Too often language tests have a harmful effect on teaching and learning, and fail to measure accurately whatever it is they are intended to measure.Di

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Too often language tests have a harmful effect on teaching and learning, and fail to measure accurately whatever it is they are intended to measure.Di

Too often language tests have a harmful effect on teaching and learning, and fail to measure accurately whatever it is they are intended to measure. (Hughes, 2003: 1) Discuss this comment in the light of your own teaching and/or learning experience, prBrindley, G. (2001) Assessment. In Carter, R. & Nunan, D. (eds.) (2001) The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.Cambridge: CUP. pp 137143.
Hall, G. (2014) Moving beyond accuracy: from tests of English to tests of Englishing. ELT Journal 68/4; 376-385.
Harmer, J. (2007) The Practice of English Language Teaching. Harlow: Pearson
Education. pp 379393.
Hedge, T. (2000) Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. Oxford: OUP.
pp 375-401.
Hughes, A (2003) Testing for Language Teachers. (2nd ed.) Cambridge: CUP.
Jenkins, J. (2006) The spread of EIL: a testing time for testers. ELT Journal 60/1;
McNamara (2000) Language Testing. Oxford: OUP.
Prodromou, L. (1995) The backwash effect: from testing to teaching. ELT Journal
49/1; 13-25.
Taylor, L. (2006) The changing landscape of English: implications for language
assessment. ELT Journal 60/1: 51-60
Tennant, A. (n.d.) Assessment matters: What is assessment?