Here are the requirements:
1) 7-10 page research paper (excluding cover page and reference list)
APA format
2) May be on any topic you like as long as it relates to nutrition and topics covered in class
3) Use at least 7 peer reviewed references (google scholar is a great resource)
4) You may use other non-original sources, statistical data, etc¦ in addition to the 7 peer reviewed references
5) Should include a clear use of class content and information learned over the course of the 5 week session.
6) Also use Marion Nestle’s website and her commentary as a reference (
The topic that I want to talk about is called: Too Much Protein?
Talk about what is protein? its effects? How is it absorbed and stored in the body? If it is all good, then can taking too much of it be bad? What is too much protein? Who should take higher protein intakes? What is the effect of having too much protein? What does excess protein change to?