The muscle responds by converting excess pyruvate
April 23, 2020
What agencies or resources will be helpful to you
April 23, 2020

Tomato leaf and corn leaf

Follow the instructions and complete the experiments using the tomato leaf and the corn leaf. Prepare a lab report

Your lab report should contain the following:

Introduction: Provide an overview of the experiments including an explanation of the differences between a C3 plant and C4 plant. Provide a clearly stated hypothesis about your expectation.

Results: Present your results using the tables and graphs that you generated during the experiment. I should be able to review two graphs and two data tables: one for each plant. Explain your results for each plant: the tomato and the corn.

Discussion: Discuss your results but do not repeat your results in this section. Discuss whether your hypothesis was accepted or rejected. Compare the differences in responses between the C3 (tomato plant) and the C4 (corn plant.)