To increase awareness of current pregnancy, labour/birth and postnatal outcomes for women and babies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent

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May 23, 2020
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May 23, 2020

To increase awareness of current pregnancy, labour/birth and postnatal outcomes for women and babies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent



to increase awareness of current pregnancy, labour/birth and postnatal outcomes for women and babies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent. This assessment enables you to explore potential changes to the current provision of maternity care, to improve current outcomes. The assessment will also raise awareness of the psychosocial effects of removing women from country during the childbearing process.

You will need to access and read the New South Wales Mothers and Babies Report 2009 produced by the New South Wales Department of Health.

Compare the outcomes for women and babies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent with the rest of the population represented in the report.

Develop with rationales, an antenatal strategy that could be implemented to improve maternal and/or fetal outcomes.

Discuss the psychosocial impact on childbearing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women as a consequence of the practice of removing women from country.





     Case scenario

Criteria Well above expectation Exceeds expectation Meets expectation
Compare the outcomes for women and babies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent with the rest of the population represented in the report. Well detailed comparison of the outcomes for women and babies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent and the rest of the birthing population in NSW. Clearly and comprehensively articulates the findings from the report. A very good comparison of the outcomes for women and babies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent and the rest of the birthing population in NSW. Clearly and informatively articulates the findings from the report. A good comparison of the outcomes for women and babies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent and the rest of the birthing population in NSW. Clearly articulates the findings from the report.
Sub total (10) >9-10 >7-9 >6-7
Develop with rationales, an antenatal strategy that could be implemented to improve maternal and/or fetal outcomes. Critical analysis from numerous and the most relevant sources reflects a comprehensive understanding of the suggested strategy that could be implemented to improve maternal and/or fetal outcomes. Demonstrates an excellent discussion and sound understanding of the strategy. Strategy developed from numerous and the most relevant sources and reflects a comprehensive understanding of the suggested strategy that could be implemented to improve maternal and/or fetal outcomes. Demonstrates very good discussion and sound understanding of the strategy. Strategy developed from a sound review of relevant sources and reflects a good understanding of the suggested strategy that could be implemented to improve maternal and/or fetal outcomes. Demonstrates good discussion and satisfactory understanding of the strategy.
Sub total (10) >9-10 >7-9 >6-7
Discuss the psychosocial impact on childbearing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women as a consequence of the practice of removing women from country An expert, comprehensive discussion that directly relates to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. Resources are focused and utilised very well to support discussion, uses critique when appropriate. A very good discussion that directly relates to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. Resources are focused and utilised well to support a detailed discussion. A good discussion that directly elates to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. Resources utilised well to provide a sound discussion.
Sub total (10) >9-10 >7-9 >6-7
Communication Skills: Structure and Style      
Constructs an appropriate introduction Your introduction orientates the reader to the topic, states your thesis position clearly and concisely, defines the scope of the discussion and outlines the stages of the essay. Your introduction orientates the reader to the topic, states your thesis position clearly and outlines the stages of the essay. Your introduction states your position, but may not also orientate the reader the topic or outline the stages of the essay.
Organises the essay body into a cohesive and logically sequenced series of paragraphs Your paragraphs are all well constructed and effectively linked; sequence of discussion matches introduction. Your paragraphs are all well constructed and in most cases effectively linked; sequence of discussion matches introduction. Your paragraphs are in most cases well constructed and in most cases effectively linked; sequence of discussion matches introduction.
Constructs an appropriate conclusion Your conclusion summarises key points from the essay body, restates your thesis position accurately and clearly, and makes an insightful final comment. You conclusion summarises key points from the essay body, restates your thesis position accurately and clearly and makes a final comment. Your conclusion restates your thesis position accurately, but do not also summarise key points from the essay body and/or make a final comment.
Writes in a clear and succinct academic style Your writing is clear, succinct and consistently formal and objective in style; you routinely use relevant technical language effectively and qualify all assertions. Your writing is clear, succinct and consistently formal and objective in style; you often use relevant technical language effectively and qualify many assertions. Your writing is clear and succinct but you may sometimes revert to an informal or subjective style; you sometimes use relevant technical language effectively and qualify some assertions.
Sub total (5) 5 4 3