Objectives for the Unit IV Assignment
To identify the connections between specific agricultural systems throughout the world, soil and climate patterns, and various agricultural and environmental issues (e.g., soil quality, energy sustainability, agrochemical usage, genetic engineering).
To identify the cultural, social, environmental, and agricultural factors involved in building a sustainable, world crop production system.
This assignment has two parts.
Read the 2 articles below (these were also presented in the first week of the class)
Write a 4-6 page (double-spaced) essay addressing the topic below. You will be evaluated using the Assignment Evaluation Criteria from Unit III.
Readings for the Unit IV Assignment
Godfray, H.C.J., J.R. Beddington, I.R. Crute, L. Haddad, D. Lawerence, J.F. Muir, J. Pretty, S. Robinson, S.M. Thomas and C. Toulmin. 2010. Food security: The challenge of feeding 9 billion people. Sciencexpress. 28 January 2010. (this is a reading for the eGlobal
Agriculture Towards 2050 – How to Feed the World. FAO High Level Expert Forum, Rome 12-13 October 2009
Essay Topic – How Can We Feed 9+ Billion People?
To answer this question, you need to consider numerous questions:
What kind of production systems should we employ? Mixed farming? More Dairy/Ranching? Emphasize subsistence systems?
Who will feed the people? The developed nations with their high crop productivities? The nations with the most people?
What should the inputs be? More agrochemicals? Who will pay for them? Irrigation? Who will pay for it and where will the water come from? Who will pay for the high-yielding seeds?
How can we build sustainable cropping systems?
What is the effect of global warming on future food production and cropping systems?
What has history taught us about feeding people?
These are just a few of many questions that you can address in your essay. Consider the information in the two articles and what you have learned this semester. It may be useful to create an outline before you put together the essay. Make sure to justify all of your points with specific evidence* from the different readings, lessons, personal experiences, etc. As always, other outside resources are welcome. I don’t want to see simple summaries of the articles but, rather, will be looking for how you incorporate information from the lectures, readings, and discussions.
* Evidence = specific examples that substantiate your discussion.