July 9, 2020
During the first class, the professor will assist studentsin selecting an appropriate topic and source material on which to base the assignment
July 10, 2020

To be an entry-level nurse

Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>Research Paper for 5 pages

Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>Investigate and write the first half of your research paper on your previously approved topic: an entry-level position in a specific career you want to pursue after college.Whichever particular entry-level job you choose to research and write about, your choice must be realistic. For instance, a career as a physical therapist, pediatrician, or family law attorney is realistic; however, movie star, guitar hero, starting your own high technology firm (with no experience), or CEO of a major company is not realistic. Some successful choices for past research papers include:


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>probation officer


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>dietician


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>intellectual property attorney


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>App UI designer


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>technical writer

Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>• mechanical engineer
• high school PE instructor
• nurse
• specific medical professional • pharmacist

Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>Discuss the following subjects in the first half of the research paper (include in this order, with each as a separate section):


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>Introduction: what the job is. Start wide and narrow to focus your audience’s attention to what you will write about, which is described in your research statement.


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>The day-by-day activities of the job, meaning a snapshot of what people having this job do.


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>What the career offers society; how the job affects the rest of us.


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>Why people may be interested in this career.


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>Required education and degrees.


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>Continuing education requirement(s), if any.


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>Required licenses, and by what governmental or professional organization.


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>Legal requirements, such as credentials, fingerprinting or criminal background check


Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>Conclusion

Roman","serif"; font-size: 12.0pt;”>All of the above areas of discussion requires some thought and research — perhaps including your interviewing someone employed in such a position — as well as both careful documentation of your sources and logical presentation of the facts.

Roman","serif";”>Other Requirements

Roman","serif";”>• You will format your research paper must according to our class discussion, and that format is based on the MLA guidelines (see Lunsford) and the MS Word 2007Essay Format Instructions document, including:


Roman","serif";”>Using the correct margins, pagination in the upper right, font, font size, line spacing, and first line of paragraph indentation. Include the correctly formatted and positioned author block on the first page only.


Roman","serif";”>Setting the Spacing After command to zero, and turn off the Widow/Orphan control.


Roman","serif";”>Inserting a correctly positioned and formatted paper title that is relevant to the paper topic, e.g. not “Research Paper” or a similar title.


Roman","serif";”>Use the third-person point of view (POV) when writing both halves of your research paper, which means you will use the “he, she, they” voice rather than the “I” voice. Your target reading audience is a large group of people considering your research paper topic as a career for themselves.

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Roman","serif";”>Include an Introduction, which narrows the reader’s attention from the general to the specific of your research statement.


Roman","serif";”>Use a clear, concise research statement in the Introduction informs the reader of the purpose or organizing construct that acts as the controlling central idea. Like a thesis statement in an essay, the research statement in a research paper informs the reader of what the paper is about, yet, unlike a thesis statement, does not state an opinion that the author sets out to demonstrate or prove.


Roman","serif";”>Use a clear organization to the paper.


Roman","serif";”>Employ correct grammar usage. Grammar issues will lower your research paper 


Roman","serif";”>Provide smooth transitions between paragraphs


Roman","serif";”>Use a series of body paragraphs that each have clear topic sentences, followed by information, examples, analysis, and a concluding sentence (the P.I.E. model: Point, Information, Explanation).


Roman","serif";”>Finish with a concluding section that acts as a summation of the research material; a paraphrase (not just a repetition of your previous wording) of your most important points that tie back to the research statement


Roman","serif";”>Your research paper must include quotes or data from a minimum of seven major sources to support your discussion, and all of your sources must have both correct MLA parenthetical citations and accurate entries on your MLA- formatted Works Cited list. The Works Cited list is on a separate page at the end of the research paper.Again, the Works Cited does not apply towards meeting the minimum four- page length. As this is a research paper, these properly MLA- formatted Works Cited page and parenthetical citations are a key part of your grade for this assignment.


Roman","serif";”>You should use quotes solely to buttress your argument and inform the reader; you do not want to over-quote just to lard up your paper. Consequently, use the fewest amount of words in each quote to succinctly and stylistically make your point – do not quote more material than is necessary. An excessive amount of direct quotes (quotes set off by double quotation marks), or direct quotes that are excessively long – more than two lines of essay text – will lower your grade. In addition, the excessive use of paraphrasing will also lower your grade. Your research paper needs to be the summation of your research, not simply a collection of other people’s words. Refer back to the two documents discussing


Roman","serif";”>plagiarism you read earlier, as well as Lunsford pp. 197-97and 202-3, if you have questions about acceptable paraphrasing and plagiarism.


Roman","serif";”>• The paper is stapled in the upper left corner. Spell-check, grammar-check and proofread your paper.