Title: A Business Continuity Management Strategy in response to potential threats with reference to Abu Dhabi Executive Council.?
1.1 Aim of the study
The main purpose of this study is to examine whether Abu Dhabi Executive Council has any business continuity strategy that actually be adopted when confronted with a major crisis and determine its weaknesses and strengths. Thus the primary aim of the research is to develop an effective crisis management model and a business continuity which will be integrated into the Abu Dhabi Executive Council organization structure. The study will focus on how the potential threats that can be utilised to minimise the impact of a major disruption to normal operations and to reduce the risk associated with losses caused by disasters. This study will make recommendations based on the findings on how to maintain key business functions and be proactive in the face of a threat or disaster which can prove vital for the survival of the Executive Council.
1.2 Background of the study
Extensive research has been conducted on the topic of Business Continuity (BC). The literature abounds in models and strategies for Business Continuity Management. Despite the broad range of literature related to BC, this management concept comes under different labels such as Disaster Recovery Planning, Business Continuity, Risk Management, Plan B, Fall back Plans , Contingency Plans, IT or Technical Contingency Plans, Organization wide Contingency Plans, Holistic Contingency Plans. Thus the above terms are often used interchangeably.
For the purpose of this study, BC is the ability to quickly read and act on signals of change by adapting and setting contingency plans to respond to the challenges. To support this agile business continuity, organizations must be really ready at continuously testing and learning how to do new things through systems that are adaptive and flexible. In other words, Business Continuity Management (BCM) is essentially being able to continue to deliver services, and operate effectively, in the event of an incident or disruption.
1.3 Research Context
This study aims to develop BCM model taking Abu Dhabi Executive Council as source of data collection. “ Abu Dhabi Executive Council is the local executive authority of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. It assists the Ruler to carry out his duties and powers, through regular meetings to set the Emirate’s general policy, set development plans and supervise its execution, authorize projects laws and decrees before submitting them to the Ruler, supervise work flow in departments, local entities, and coordinate among them, to achieve general well-being of the country.
In 1971, a Council of Ministers was formed in the Abu Dhabi Emirate by virtue of the provisions of Law No. (1) to reorganize the government apparatus. But in 1974, the said law was superseded and substituted with Law No. (1), which organized the government apparatus, renaming the “Council of Ministers” as the “Abu Dhabi Executive Council.”
1.3 Statement of the problem
Almost all organizations from public or private sectors face the possibility of disruptive events that have impacts ranging from inconvenience and short-lived disruption of normal business operations to the very destruction of the organization (Shaw, 2004). In the current complex and volatile Gulf region, unexpected events and unpredictable disruptions are no longer an exception but have become the norm. The Executive Council lacks a dedicated function business continuity and risk management department, whoever is taking the lead on this roles in risk management should be aware of the BCM and be trained on this subject. Therefore, there are still serious weaknesses in the Executive Council, as there is no business continuity strategy and there is no planning on a broad enough basis for business continuity and risk management
1.4 Research Objectives
To critically review the literature about Business Continuity (BC)
To analyse the weakness and strengths of the current (BC)
To determine the key components of successful business continuity strategy.
To evaluate the views and perspectives of the Executive Council stakeholders about Business Continuity (BC)
To make recommendations about business continuity strategy and its implementation plan for executive management approval.
1.5 Research Questions
1) What are the weaknesses and strengths of the current emergency plan?
2) What strategy is suitable and effective for the Executive Council to be resilient and prepared for potential threats?
3) How to integrate BC management into the organizational planning and decision making process.
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions