I would like to inform you that my lecturer recommend me to use (Mintel, Keynote, ProQuest, etc) and books Jeebr as well, at lest use 15 references.
Please attention all the information about Thomas cook it will be come from 2008 to 2010
Module Reading
It is strongly recommended that your reading be selective. The core text, listed below, are obtainable from bookshop.
Jobber, D. (2009). Principles And Practice Of Marketing ( 6th Edition). McGraw-Hill.
You are expected to purchase the above core text for class sessions. As the module commences, you will also be expected to read and consult other books, journals and materials in that subject area.
Additional Texts:
Kotler, P. and Keller Lane, K., (2007), Marketing Management, 13th Ed, Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Dibb, S. And Simkin L., (2009), Marketing Essentials, Southwestern Cengage Learning.
Brassington, F. and Pettit, S. (2007). Essentials of Marketing, Prentice Hall.
Bradley, F. (2005). International Marketing Strategy. 5th Edition, Pearson.
Cateora, P., Graham, J. and Ghauri, P. (2005). International Marketing. 12th Ed., McGraw- Hill.
Malhotra N. and Birks D., (2007), Marketing research – an applied approach, 4th European Edition, FT Prentice Hall
Hooley G., Piercy, N. and Nicoloud, B., (2008), Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 3rd Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Walker, O and Larreche, M., (2006), Marketing Strategy: A Decision-focused Approach, 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill.
Palmer, A. (2006). Principles Of Services Marketing. (3rd Edition) McGraw-Hill.