*This is a graduate course so I am looking for someone to please write at that level. This will also have to have a low percentage for Turnitin; I run

Finance Project
September 11, 2020
In your own words, describe three different issues surrounding U.S. education, and provide solutions to each.
September 11, 2020

*This is a graduate course so I am looking for someone to please write at that level. This will also have to have a low percentage for Turnitin; I run

*This is a graduate course so I am looking for someone to please write at that level. This will also have to have a low percentage for Turnitin; I run it through WriteCheck prior to submitting. At least two references are needed. Thanks in advance.*

What is deviance? How does deviance defer from crime? Please provide examples of each.

Which perspective of deviance (positivist or constructionist) do you think is more likely to be supported by conservatives? What of liberals? Please explain your answer.

Some Helpful Sites

Deviant Crimes A useful site is dedicated to the study of psychological and investigative processes involved with violent crimes. Although there are topics such as serial crimes presented, this site is not sensationalistic and does not glorify the offenders. Other topics include forensics, criminal profiling, psychopathology of crime, and educational information for students and professionals interested in learning more about these crimes.
See: http://www.deviantcrimes.com/

National Social Norms Institute


Center for the study and prevention of Violence
