Thermodynamics Academic Essay

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Thermodynamics Academic Essay

The question I need to be done is part of two. I’ve done the fist half (question no. 1) and will upload a file of it. Question 2. is what is needed to be completed. (please don’t reference wikipedia)

1. Draw two sketches of a compression cycle that have adiabatic and isothermal compression.

[This question has been done and will include a file with my answer. It’s needed to answer question two. The most efficient is the Carnot Cycle, the file consists of three images, a simply drawn diagram of the pistons positions during isothermal and adiabatic process, a PV diagram, TS diagram.]

2. Redraw a sketch of your most efficient compressor cycle on square paper, explain why it is the most efficient. Using your sketch, make an approximate numerical estimate of heat transfer and work done during a cycle (hint: show this be shading in squares on your sketch). Hence calculate the efficiency of the cycle.

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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions