1. What are the major themes/roles for school counselors, as per the ASCA Model? Discuss each briefly.
Cobia, D.C., & Henderson, D.A. (2007). Developing an effective and accountable school counseling program (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
2. Which of these themes do you believe will be most relevant and significant in your work as a school counselor? Why?
3. Which of these themes may pose the greatest challenge for new counselors? Why?
4. Provide examples of how a school counselor/leader might effectuate needed systemic change within the school organization.
5. Which resources might a school counselor employ in serving as a catalyst for change?
6. Is system-wide change always needed in a school setting? Why or why not? What about the improvement or maintenance of school counseling programs?
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?Posted on May 11, 2016?Author Tutor?Categories Question, Questions