The Year That Rocked the World

Training & development
May 23, 2020
dark side of people(use book In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O’Brien)
May 23, 2020

The Year That Rocked the World

The Year That Rocked the World

Compare two printed press accounts of an event that took place in 1968.

A.) Briefly describe
an event that took place in the year 1968. Provide basic information about where and when it took place and who was involved. Indicate the source of this information. You may use the Kurlansky book, lecture notes, and/or an encyclopedia to locate this information.
[Use references such as:
Kurlansky, page 303;
HIST 113 lecture, Feb. 6, 2014; or
to indicate the source of this information.]

Two places to find ideas for the project are the index to the course textbook, Mark Kurlansky’s1968: The Year That Rocked the World and the Wikipedia article 1968.

B. Locate 2 articles that appeared in
two differentdaily newspapers or weekly magazinesthat describethe event in 1968 that you described in step A(above). These articles should have been published:1.) in 1968, and
2.) within 2 weeks of the event taking place. Print out the first page of each of the articles and submit these printouts with your paper.

The Cunningham Memorial Library (CML) has two places to locate articles: full-text electronic articles via ProQuest and microfilm. Students who use microfilm will have to work a bit harder to complete the assignment. If you submit 1 or 2 article(s) not found on microfilm, you can earn 5 points extra credit.

Two newspapers are available via ProQuest: the New York Times andthe Wall Street Journal. To access these papers:
?Go to the CML electronic resources website:

? Click on the ProQuest tab
? Enter your Username and Password
? Click on the History or News & Newspapers icons.
? Click on the Search >> tab to the right of the newspaper names.
?Use the Advanced search feature to specify articles published in 1968. (UnderSearch options, choose Publication date:, then choose Specific date range€¦ from the drop-down list, and input dates within 14 days after the 1968 date of the event you are writing about.)[For example, if you are writing about the men’s downhill ski race at the 1968 Olympic Winter Games, search for articles from Feb. 9 to Feb. 23, 1968.]
? Use the Advanced search feature to specify Article, Editorial, and/or Front page article.

In addition, the 1968 issues of the Indianapolis Recorder, an African American newspaper,can be viewed at the following URL:http://

Publications available on microfilm are located in the basement of the CML, including the magazines Business Week,Newsweek,Sports Illustrated, Time, U.S. News and World Report, and the newspapers Chicago Tribune, Indianapolis News, Terre Haute Star, and Terre Haute Tribune. The machine you will need to view and print pages from microfilm is located on the main level of the CML, between the check-out and reference desks.

C. Compare the twoarticles.(Be careful not merely to summarize the 2 articles.) How does their coverage of the event differ? Obvious differences would be:
?a newspaper versus a magazine
?news publications such as Time, Newsweek, or the New York Times, versus a subject publication such as Business Week or the Wall Street Journal (business related), the Chicago Defenderor Indianapolis Recorder (for African American audiences), or Sports Illustrated (sports news)

Other differences might be:
?a news article versus an editorial
?the point of view of the authors of the articles (are the authors journalists, some sort of experts on the event, participants in the event, supporters of the event, critics of the event, etc.?)
?who were the authors trying to appeal to?who might have been offended?
?credibility€”how did the authors/articles use outside sources, facts, interviews with bystanders, observers, participants, etc.
?were the articles accompanied by pictures, maps, charts, graphs, etc.? If so, what kinds? Were they effective contributions?
?to what extent were the authors of the articles concerned with such things as economics, class, race, politics, culture, age, gender, geography, foreign events, etc.?
?did the authors show any biases in favor of, or against, the people mentioned in the article?
?did the authors suggest who they thought had power or who was powerless?

A goal in historical research and writing is to make it easy for others to find the same sources you used.For this reason, when you refer to the newspaper/magazine articles in your paper, you should use MLA style, with parenthetical references in the text + a works cited section at the end of your paper. (Chicago-style footnotes are fine, too.At a minimum, you should identify the author, title of the article, the name of newspaper or magazine, and the date of publication. Page numbers are helpful, but not necessary.)
[Use references such as:
Jay Walz, Canada to Admit Any U.S. Deserter,
New York Times, May 23, 1969.
For Americans: An Easier Life in Canada, U.S. News and World Report, October 28, 1968, 64.
to indicate the articles you located for this project.]

Typed portions of your project should be:
?1½ to 3 pages in length, not counting
a works cited section
?doublespaced with 1 margins
?in a standard font, such as 12-point
Times New Roman or Garamond

The assignment is worth 50 points, or 10% of your semester grade.
?10 points =description of the event
?25 points = comparison of 2 articles
?15 points = mechanics(grammar, readability, citations, printouts of articles, etc.)

You can earn another 5 extra credit points for locating an article on microfilm.

If you turn in the paper late, there will be a letter-grade penalty for each class it is late.

A note on academic honesty: Presenting the words or ideas of someone else as if they were your own constitutes plagiarism, which is a seri¬ous offense. The professor will give a grade of 0 to projects that show evidence of plagiarism. There are several allowable ways to indicate that you have borrowed words or ideas.  IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ACADEMIC HONESTY, PLEASE ASK THE PROFESSOR.

Consult with the professor if you have questions at any point in the project. You may ask questions before, during, and after class, at office hours (Tuesdays, 6:15€“7:15PM& Thursdays, 2:00€“3:00PMin Stalker 307and by appointment), or by e-mail (donald.maxwell@

This assignment fulfills course objectives HSO 1€“3; FSO 1€“2, 6€“7, & 10; and SALO 1€“3, as well as de¬veloping an outline of world history of the 1960s, understanding history of the 1960s in the context of world events, communicating debates and interpreta¬tions of the history of the 1960s, analyzing historical sources, and improving written communication skills through written work. (See the HIST 113 syllabus, pages 2€“3.)