Genetic Chromosome Mutations Academic Essay
September 14, 2020
Blogs: Conquest of the Americas Academic Essay
September 14, 2020


The World Bank is an international organization dedicated to providing financial, advice and research to developing countries. The Bank was successful in providing financing for these devastated countries. Today, the Bank functions as an international organization that attempts to fight poverty by offering developmental assistance to middle and poor-income countries. The World Bank was founded by John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White2 in July of 1944.It was found at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire after the 2nd World War. During the Second World War, some of the European nations and Russia suffered great loss in terms of infrastructure.Thus, the World Bank was created due to the need for the European and Russian countries to reconstruct after the war. The World Bank has 25 directors headed by the president Jim Yong Kim, M.D., Ph.D., who became the World Bank 12th president on July 1, 2012.

Currently, the word bank has embarked on several projects to aid the developing countries’ economy. Some of these projects include:

  1. National Watershed Project in India: the project aims at supporting integrated watershed management program (IWMP) through technical assistance to improve incremental conservation outcomes and agricultural yields for communities in selected sites.
  2. Electricity Supply Accountability and Reliability Improvement Project in Kyrgyz Republic: the initiative aims at improving the reliability of electricity supply in the project area and strengthening the governance of Sever electro’s operations.
  3. Azerbaijan – Second National Water Supply and Sanitation Project. In addition, the World Bank is financing science and technology in Tanzania and second Competitive Enhancement Project in Moldova.



The IMF is an organization that provides financial assistance and advice to its members. IMF creates and also maintains monetary policies worldwide; this is the system by which international payments among countries take place. The IMF was born at the end of World War II, out of the Bretton Woods Conference in 1945. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created by U.S. and British due to the need of preventing crises, for example, the great depression. In conjunction with the World Bank, the IMF is the largest public lender of funds in the world. The international monetary fund is run by its 186-member countries.The bank is headed by 24 directors who are elected by the member countries or group of countries and the managing director who is its Chairman. Christine Lagarde is currently the managing director of the organization..

IMF is helping governments to increase social spending and protect them. In particular,   the IMF is promoting social safety in the net program that reduces impact of crises on the most venerable. Electric tariff reform which was implemented was effected in a socially acceptable way. Every house was exempted from tariffs increase in Portugal around the mid-August of 2013.only the rich were affected by the increase in January 2014

In Greece, Several schemes are being put in place to provide free healthcare access for the un-insured, including health vouchers and poverty booklets. In Kenya, the IMF bank is supporting the construction of the standard gauge railway.



The USAID is a federal agency in the U.S government tasked with the duties of providing civilian foreign assistance. The organization was found by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 by executive order to implement development assistance programs in the areas authorized by the Congress in the Foreign Assistance Act. USAID works worldwide to democratize the development process by involving people in the decisions made about their countries and communities for greater sustainability and development. Currently, Dr.Rajiv Shah serves as the chief administrator and leads the efforts of more than 8000 professionals in missions around the world.

In European and Eurasia USAID is expanding the democratic freedom, through endorsing reform in the nation of Ukraine as well as addressing complex challenges to human rights and democracy in Belarus. The organization is also supporting European integration through enhancing economic growth in Moldova and promoting reconciliation and tolerance in the western Balkans.

In African countries, USAID is boosting agricultural productivity through the Feed the Future Initiative. Strengthening health systems through the Global Health Initiative, Supporting democracy, human rights, and good governance to help governments fight corruption, expand space for civil society. Leading quick responses to humanitarian crises to save lives and help prevent instability and loss, critical in a region prone to destabilizing droughts and food emergencies.

Formally, cisterns used to collect rainwater and distant, sewage-polluted springs were the only sources of water for an ancient Palestinian village in the northern West Bank, Deir Istiya. Deir Istiya was chosen for a USAID grant of $540,000 to be used for the construction of the main line, distribution network, and 200 cubic meter storage tank.