The Windows Ce Operating Systems Computer Science

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The Windows Ce Operating Systems Computer Science

The Windows Ce Operating Systems Computer Science

Windows CE , abbrivation of as Windows Embedded Compact or Windows Embedded CE which is made my Microsoft .. Windows CE is somewhat  different  from other operating system and kernal.

Windows CE is operating system or Kernal windows CE is much different from other  destop operating systems like Windows XP or other kernals.Windows CE is not NT-Based. Windows CE is only supported on Intel x86,MIPS,ARM and Hitachi SuperH processors .

Windows CE supports many development  tools like windows CE supports Visual Studio,Free Pascal and Lazarus and other  development  tools.

Windows CE have many good and important  features which differ  it from other operating systems . It is good and have less memory management.It is use for that devices that have minimum storage.Windows CE may run under a megabyte.

Windows CE is also real – time operating system . Windows CE have many versions like Windows CE 2.0 or Windows CE 3.0 or onwards . Windows CE 3.0 and onwards supports 256 priority levels.

Application envirment  of  Windows CE is very much High . It Supports Full C language . Device  Management  of Windows CE allows you to install Updates and software without  the interface of users.

MFC ( Microsoft  Foundation  Classes ) Supports full Object Oriented Envirment in Windows CE to design and built different applications.

Latest Version Windows CE 6.0 have many new and good features like file system , device driver , gwes moved to kernal.All the Exe file is converted to Dll . Virtual memory model and devise driver model is updated in 6.0 version . Windows CE works With x86,Arms,Mips etc.

Although Windows CE is some what hated windows for many users and many programmers , developers or user of computer not like to use Windows CE because of many reasons and embeddedment but Windows CE have many usage for users from which definatly user  take advantage from it.

Windows CE has Internet Explorer Embedded . It has capabilties of zooming and has a customizable interface to optimize the browsing experience on devices .

Other Very Important usage of  this kernal is that it has High Confident  Platform that we can Use Visual Studio very easily in windows CE although it has  all C Envirnment . Windows CE is very much good for Programmers that it can install good software and compilers which is very handy for programmers for programming.This Programming tool is used for building the plateform (BSP+Kernal) and also the application.This is one step environment to get the system up and running.

Developers can use Windows CE as to bring their consumers to new live by seamless connection to the world of windows devices and services.It includes Barcode and RFID Scanners,Connected Internet  Devices,Digital Picture Frames,e-Reader devices,Gaming Devices,Mobile Point of  Services and many others.

Networking environment is very handy in Windows CE.It allows you to connect  to your lan or the internet at 10mb/s.Handheld PC 2000 uses in copying software.If you are working in an office you may want two outlets,one for desktop pc and other for handhelp.

This is some what about Windows CE Embedded .


Windows Mobile Edition


Windows Mobile Edition is a operating system and kernel which is design by Microsoft which also design Windows XP,& ETC.Windows Mobile Edition is design for smart phones and for all mobile devices that are use for mobile cells.

Windows Mobile Edition is Design similar to Windows CE . It is much similar to desktop version but used in mobile versions. Windows Mobile Edition is originally use by smarts pen which is used to type on screen.  


Windows Mobile Edition has many features which is similar to Windows CE because it is made by Windows CE . Windows CE is use in desktop while Windows Mobile Edition is used in Mobile Devices. Some of the Features are as follows.

Screen of Microsoft Windows Mobile Edition shows current date and current time on right Task Bar on mobile devices. It is much similar to desktop version but with slightly different as mobile version.

All applications related to Microsoft Office that is MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power point and all other application is supported by this kernel. Outlook Mobile Also Open by this System and Kernel.

Internet Explorer easily opened by this kernel and operating system as it support Internet Explorer which is design for pocket PCs.

Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) which is specially made for pocket pc and mobile devices is supported by Windows Mobile Edition. Internet may open in mobile version with USB in mobile devices and Via Blue Tooth too.

Some of most important features which is supported by Windows Mobile Edition are Document viewing and Editing, New Document Creation,Cut,Copy,Paste,Spell Check,Toolbar,Paragraph ETC.


Windows Mobile Edition has many usage , some of the important usage are as follows.

Microsoft allows their user to operate with their operating system, anywhere by any mean. Peoples of outdoor work which not take Laptops take mobile devices or pocket PC which also supports operating system of Edition a Microsoft name Microsoft Mobile Edition. We can easily use applications on mobile with operating system anywhere. Users who want to use Internet or other software can easily use by Windows Mobile Edition on their cell phones. Hence this is very handy Version of Microsoft.

This Operating System also provides Windows Media Player. We can easily hear all related things with the help of Media Player rather than to use in big PCs. Development tools also are very handy in this version that we can use programming tools in Windows Mobile Edition.

We can easily made documents on this kernel and operating system as it support all Office tools.. We can Edit, Cut, Paste, Insert and all options which is made for Desktop Windows in this Operating System. If we want to make some documents for office use or for home use we made in mobile with Microsoft Mobile Edition.

Picture and Video packages are very good in Mobile Edition as similar to Desktop versions so we can easily catch any picture and video in this operating system anywhere with mobile phones.

As in windows CE networking Environment is very handy tool in this version of kernel. Internet is much faster in Windows CE and Windows Mobile Edition is a version of Windows CE so internet is also very much handy in Microsoft Mobile Edition too.

This is somewhat all about Windows Mobile Edition.


Mac OS


Mac  OS is operating  system and kernal which is graphical user interface operating  system which is made by Apple Inc ( Apple Computer , INC ) . Apple Macintosh is a company which makes Apple Laptops and Apple Applications . This Company  also make MAC OS (Operating System) which is very strong in its Graphical User Interface .

Eariler Version of this operating system works  were less capable of GUI but latest versions such as MAC OS X is very handy in its Graphical User Interface ( GUI ).

MAC OS hace many version including MAC OS X Server 1.0,Public Beta,10.1,10.2,10.3,10.3,10.4,10.5,10.6


MAC OS has may feactures in it . Some of the valuable Features of MAC OS are as follows:

MAC OS supports Word 2007 as  user can take advantage for text documents in MAC OS and easilty in writing and reading in text editors.

Another Coolest Feactures of MAC OS is grammer checking . It can check your grammer and easily catch your grammical error as its is rich in language , specially grammical language .

It can scroll any window whih is open , although that window is unactive . Simple we have to move or cursor postion to your mouse over the window and simply scroll down.

Drivers in MAC OS including Printer drivers too are automaticaly installed as windows 7 . All drivers , LAN , SOUND , GUI and others are automaticaly installed at the time of Installation

We can easily forwards sms in MAC OS by using AOL’s MOBILE FORWADING SERVICE and Also recived Instant Message on our Cell phone when we are just away from our PC.

In MAC OS 10.5 Version , All icons related to System are scalable to 512*512 Pixels which make it appear in larger size in 3 D Graphical User Interface inclding , the finder , iTunes and all other applications.




 MAC OS has may usage in it . Some of the valuable Usage of MAC OS are as follows:

Mac OS is very help ful for the users who want to design any thing , as it is very very handy for designer because Graphical User Interface ( GUI ) of this kernal is very much usefull . Mac OS is specially very much known for it GUI so most important usage of this operating system and kernal is for designer as it is very much handy for design any thing.

All 3D MAX things and Adobe is very much handi in Mac OS so the developers feel very much calm in using MAC OS . Usually MAC OS is very much beuatiful Operating System as it feactures is very much usefull so the developers give priority for using  this kernal as it is very fertile field for programmers and developers for programming and developing.

This is some what about Operting System and Kernal MAC OS.


Microsoft Windows




Microsoft Windows is a kernal or Operating system which is made my Microsoft which is currently in the hand of Bill Gates .Microsoft introduce both user interface operating system and Ms dos operating system . Earliar version of microsoft windows is 1.0 , 2.0 and etc which is MS DOS base kernals.Later they ntroduce version 3.0 to 3.2 which has virtual memory concept in it .

Windows 95.Windows 98,Windows 2000,Windows ME,Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows CE,Vista is all latest version of operatng systems and kernal which have GUI , Graphical user interface in it .. Latest version is Wndows 7.



There are many features of Microsoft Windows includes Windows 95.Windows 98,Windows 2000,Windows ME,Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows CE,Vista , Latest version includes windows 7 and vista have many features . Some of the feactures of Microsoft Windows are as follows.

Windows Vista includes many built in  packages and accessibilty programs and settings that it make you easy to use the systems of computer and use computer . It help the users for visual capabilties and hearing loss etc.


Instead of looking for accessibilty settings in different places on your computer and searches various places for accessibilty settings Windows Vista bring all in a category for our easiesness . Earliear version of windows has many problems that resolove by windows XP , but features in windows 7 and Vista are very helpfull for windows users like mangifing images in these windows .


Windows 7 Control of user account is much less harmfull so windows 7 give very much helpful features of user account control to their user which windows VIsta lacks . In windows 7 we can unable WiFi wih fewer clicks only..Windows 7 and windows Vista also provides automatically drivers installation instead manual installation .




Microsoft Windows , all versions invluding Windows 95.Windows 98,Windows 2000,Windows ME,Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows CE,Vista provide many usage to their users by which users easily do their work on these operating systems specially Windows XP , 7 and Vista.


By using operating system of   Windows 7 or Windows Vista , we can easily use deveploment tools and all IDEs and Visual IDEs because of there good and easy user interface . Programming is much convinent on these operating systems and Kernals .


Microsoft Windows is much sucure . We can use Microsoft Windows without any tension because it is much secure than any operating systems earliear . So sucrity give many usage for this kernal ans users may use this kernal very easily and calmly .


Networking environment is very handy in Microsoft Windows .It allows you to connect  to your lan or the internet at at very low mb/s.In Windows CE Handheld PC 2000 uses in copying software.If you are working in an office you may want two outlets,one for desktop pc and other for handhelp.




Linux is a operating system or kernal which is latest operating system and stand in front of operating systems of Microsoft . Linux is open source operating  system that source code of linux is easily available .

Linux is both command line operating system and GUI (Graphical User Interface).Linux has many packages usually called Linux Distribution for example Fedora .

Linux is a operating system which can be used in desktop version as well as in embeddedd devices like mobile phones . Popularity of Linux increased now a days many much because of good user interface in Ubunto Distribution.


Linux Operating Systems has many feactures . Some of the feactures of Linux are as follows.

Linus is most Technically Advance Kernal ever . It is not easy to install as Microsoft Windows , Its hard to install even hard to use.

Virtualization is available for RED HAT version of linux  . It is usually for desktops . We can install Linux on virtual Machine.

Networking envirnment is very good in LINUX,it includes Autofs,FS-Cache and iSCSI support . Also another feacture of This linux is that it is Ipv6 support.

Linux gave Multiuser option by default as this is a important feactures that microsoft not have except Windows 7 which have this feacture but not by default.

Linux gave many option regarding to installing packages including development tools at the time of installation.



Linux Operting System has many usage in front of Operating Systems of Microsoft . Some of the Usage are as follows:

Linux is open source operating system that is user can easily use linux .. One of the most important usage is that thourgh it open source we can easily change any thing as per our requirment.

Linux is secuirty wise very good and virus which attack this operating system is easily catched by this operating system . Other operating system including some microsoft operating system is secuirity wise very week but Linux is much power full for  their security.

Linux is also very good for Programmers,Developers and Networkers as it support all type of handi development tools including all C envirnment . Usally G++ and Java are very handi for Linux.

Mostly all the software houses uses Linux Operating system and give priroty over Windows so Linux is very important Operting System.


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