Topic: the privilege
May 11, 2020
Why Aristotle felt it was important to create a way to critique plays and why we still use the Poetics today.
May 11, 2020

The Washington Post

The Washington Post

To prepare for the discussion, read this short opinion piece from The Washington Post:

In this article, the author describes parents that €À¦Ã¢‚¬Å“worry that their child isn€â€žÂ¢t zooming through Piaget€â€žÂ¢s stages of development.€ Interestingly, Piaget referred to the question €À¦Ã¢‚¬Å“How can we speed up development?€ as €À¦Ã¢‚¬Å“the American question.€ Among the many countries he visited, psychologists and educators in the United States seemed most interested in what techniques could be used to accelerate children€â€žÂ¢s progress through the stages. In fact, Americans spend millions every year on books titled Baby Geniuses, How to Have a Smarter Baby, and How to Grow Gifted Kids. Keeping this in mind, address the following discussion prompts:

Here are the three parts to your initial discussion posting:

First, what would Piaget say about accelerating children€â€žÂ¢s development through training, education, or €À¦Ã¢‚¬Å“special techniques€ ? Use Piagetian theory/vocabulary in your response.

Next, why do you think American parents are so obsessed with the idea of accelerating their children€â€žÂ¢s development?

Finally, what do you think? Can we accelerate children€â€žÂ¢s development? Why or why not?

Please address all three parts of the question in your initial posting.