The various structural, human resource (HR), political, and symbolic dimensions of an organization

March 29, 2020
March 29, 2020

The various structural, human resource (HR), political, and symbolic dimensions of an organization

The various structural, human resource (HR), political, and symbolic dimensions of an organization

  1. Framing Organizations: Personal Assignmen
    Each student will write a 3-5 page double-spaced paper outlining and discussing the various structural, human resource (HR), political, and symbolic dimensions of an organization of your choice.
    • Material should be well thought out, well-organized, and professionally presented.


  • The opening section of your paper (not a separate title page) should include all relevant information including: Title of this paper/assignment, course name and number (HCA 3384), your name, the professor’s name, and the date.
    • An introductory section should explain the purpose, content, and order of the presentation/paper.
    • A summary or conclusion section should present an appropriate wrap-up to include such things as implications and/or recommendations related to this assignment.
    • Paper should be word-processed and double-spaced with one-inch margins and 12 point font.
    • Grammar, word usage, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling should be correct.