The Uses and Abuses of Technology and Social Media-

Religion Paper
September 13, 2020
Critical perspectives on management & leadership mindmap
September 13, 2020

The Uses and Abuses of Technology and Social Media-

Write a paper proposing a solution to The Uses and Abuses of Technology and Social Media-from smart phones to social networks the dilemma caused by this that are changing or ruining our lives.

This essay is a persuasive document with a specific targeted audience.

Your paper should include:

Introduction of the Problem (background, history, cause, effects, etc.- information comes from research),

Statement of the Solution (must be complete what is the plan, how will the plan be executed, etc.) You should be specific about the details of your plan, as in a step by step description of how it should be completed, and why your reading audience will benefit in the future if your proposal is carried out.

1st objection to the solution with evidence followed by a counterargument to the first objection with evidence,

2nd objection to the solution with evidence followed by a counterargument to the first objection with evidence, Conclusion in which reasons are presented why the solution proposed by the writer is better than the two alternatives that have been presented.