The use of ICT in Early Childhood

Leadership of Organisations Techcomm 7038 Academic Essay
August 21, 2020
Topic: Gestational Diabetes and Lifestyle interventions Academic Essay
August 21, 2020

The use of ICT in Early Childhood

Topic: The use of ICT in Early Childhood

Order Description
This assignment assess the following UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES:
? Apply writing processes and strategies for producing effective academic and
professional writing.
? Reference various sources of information accurately
? Source and evaluate information to be used for academic and professional purposes
? Utilise ICT for academic learning purposes and for communicative purposes as an
educator, in a range of early childhood education contexts

This assignment requires you to develop an argument based on the use of
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in early childhood settings.

Developing your thesis statement
Before writing the essay, you will need to identify the content, limitation/s and directive/s
presented in the above statement. For the directive you will need to also define what it means.
Please present your answer in full sentences using topic sentences to identify the beginning of a
new topic. For example:
The content in this statement ….
The limitations set in this….
The directives presented in this topic… This is defined as

Developing your argument
To develop this argument you will need to state the position this paper is taking and support and
substantiate your position with relevant information. You are expected to source and evaluate
information to support your argument and reference these sources accurately (both in-text and
You are encouraged to source a range of journal articles and books (no less than ten references).
Please avoid using sources such as lectures and tutorials, Wikipedia, non-peer reviewed articles
and hearsay. Newspaper articles are acceptable