The use of FT-IR to determine product fraud in coffee beans.

March 19, 2020
Business Plan Exploration Report
March 19, 2020

The use of FT-IR to determine product fraud in coffee beans.

Food fingerprinting: The use of FT-IR to determine product fraud in coffee beans.

so are we going to focus on the Arabica and Robusta coffee varieties
Essentially the main purpose will be to analyse ground coffee labelled as 100 % Arabica or 60 % Robusta and 40 % Arabica for example tl see whether these claims are correct.

Here is what we were talking about and what we gathered. and I have two articles that we have found and I will provide that too.

I will be doing point 1 and 2. (which is "1. Clear introduction of topic and how it applies to or used in forensic/environmental/food science;
2. short description of the background of the topic;)


The commercial coffee trade consists almost entirely of Arabica and Robusta coffee varieties, with Arabica considered the highest quality and, naturally, the most expensive. Arabica beans cost two to three times as much as Robusta beans and constitute more than 70 % of the world’s coffee production. So ensuring that inferior Robusta beans don’t get into the Arabica production chain is essential.
Most current methods to discriminate between Arabica and Robusta coffees fall under the analytical/instrumental heading. Pure varieties are distinguished according to profiles of analytes such as sterols, fatty acids and total amino acids. Mixtures are characterised using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The beans contain different amounts of the two main coffee compounds-chlorogenic acid and caffeine, which have distinctive infrared spectra.

To divide the work up evenly whoever does point 1 will also point 2.
1. Clear introduction of topic and how it applies to or used in forensic/environmental/food science;
2. short description of the background of the topic;
3. concise explanation of technique or instrument;
4. illustrates how technique or instrument achieves its task;
5. cases studies that give clear illustrations of how this topic has been used in the field