The United States Sex Slave Trade

Houston Dialysis Center
March 27, 2020
Howard Zinn. A people’s History of the United States: 1492- Present
March 27, 2020

The United States Sex Slave Trade

The United States Sex Slave Trade

This is a critique essay of a peer’ essay. You need to include fallacies found.
For example, taking Morgan Spurlock’s debate on gun carrying on campus, if I want to refute the common view that guns should NOT be allowed on campus, I might start by showing that these

views are all emotionally driven, and therefore illogical. So my main point might look something like this:

People who don’t want guns on campus are just afraid and therefore use scare tactics and slippery slope fallacies to make their reader afraid as well.

This does a much better job of keeping me on track in my analysis.
For your own arguments, you will be directly refuting your peer’s argument, so in your thesis you might say something like this:

While Jim Stein identifies the current ______epidemic and some of its root causes____________, he overlooks the deeper concerns of ________________ and bases his proposal on outdated material and

emotional arguments, which leaves his reader with a lingering sense of doubt. He cannot make change if he cannot convince his audience.