The United States Constitution divides power between the federal and state governments. In this assignment, describe those powers.

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The United States Constitution divides power between the federal and state governments. In this assignment, describe those powers.

The United States Constitution divides power between the federal and state governments. In this assignment, you will describe those powers.

Assignment Guidelines:

Address the following questions in 1,000–1,250 words:

  • What powers are extended to the federal government? Explain in detail.
  • What components of the US Constitution describe and detail the powers extended to the federal government?
  • What powers are extended to the state governments? Explain in detail.
  • What components of the US Constitution describe and detail the powers extended to the state governments?
  • What are the power limitations of the federal government? Explain.
  • What are the power limitations of the state governments? Explain.
  • Are there any similarities or overlapping of powers between the two levels of government? Explain and describe those similarities or overlapping powers, if any.
  • How do the state governments and the federal government deal with those powers that are similar or overlap? Which government has supremacy when there are similarities or overlap? Explain.