The Stamp Act Resolutions and The Declaratory Act

Psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling
May 17, 2020
May 17, 2020

The Stamp Act Resolutions and The Declaratory Act

Topic: The Stamp Act Resolutions and The Declaratory Act

The Stamp Act Resolutions and The Declaratory Act

After the British success in the French and Indian War, relations between the colonists and the mother country started to

deteriorate. Britain’s attempt to tighten control over its colonial empire and to finance its administration by imposing new

taxes, aroused American resentment. Colonial opposition to British policies eventually lead to armed resistance.


This assignment is based on Primary Source Documents, and content that is covered in Chapter 4 of the textbook. The documents

are linked below and on the Chapter Content page.
Review the sections in Chapter 4 titled THE NEW IMPERIALISM AND STIRRINGS OF REVOLT.
Read the following documents:
Document 1: The Stamp Act Resolutions


(If you are interested in reading all of the Resolutions passed by the Congress, check the link on the Content page)

Document 2: The Declaratory Act of 1766

As you read each document identify and be prepared to discuss the information that addresses the following points. Keep in

mind that answering the following questions does not constitute an essay. This information must be incorporated into your


Document 1 is an extract from the Resolutions that were passed by the Stamp Act Congress in 1765. You are being asked to

Note the line of argument.
In order to do this you must examine each statement separately and determine what it is proposing/arguing.
The next step is to identify how the statement that follows is related to the preceding statement. How is it being used to

validate/argue for the view,opinion, or rationale being presented.
Next discuss how these resolutions reflect the attitudes toward local affairs developed during the preceding century.

Document 2 is an excerpt from the Declaratory Act of 1766, passed by Parliament. To complete the discussion for this document

you must address the following questions:
How does Parliament refute American claims?
How does the Declaratory Act reflect the English view on the nature of empire, as opposed to the view held by most colonists?

The best way to process is to take the following steps:
Read each document carefully and make sure that you understand what each one is stating.
Identify the purpose of both these these documents- why were they written, what was each author’s intent. This should be in

your introduction.
Make sure that you understand what the questions are asking you to do.
Identify all of the information that pertains to each question, including supporting details
Identify all of the concepts that relate to this topic and make sure that you incorporate them into the discussion.
Ask yourself: Did I identify and cover all of the major points? Did I stick to the questions? Did I follow instructions?
For your conclusion, once again review the intended purpose, determine if it was satisfied, and indicate what these documents

reveal about the society, the times or events that are being addressed.
Keep in mind that paragraphs in essays are not numbered. Each of the above questions will serve as a guide for your
