The second most frequent alelle of a gene

Solution-Some prokaryotic ancestor
April 25, 2020
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April 25, 2020

The second most frequent alelle of a gene

1. In a population, whenever the second most frequent alelle of a gene has a frequency greater than 0.01, we refer to the situation as aa. Genetic polymorphismb. Genetic anomalyc. Genetic mutationd. Genetic abnormalitye. None of these
2. The frequency of sickle cell anemia, caused by a homozygous condition (Hb^SHb^S) is approximately 0.0016. Assuming the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium applies, what is the frequency of the Hb^S allele?a. 0.01b. 0.00008c. 0.08d. 0.04e. 0.4