sample size calculation if you increase the value for ES
May 24, 2020
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May 24, 2020

The Science of Nutrition

The Science of Nutrition

Be sure to include ALL pages of this project (including the directions and the assignment) when you send the project to your teacher for grading. Don’t forget to put your name and I.D. number at the top of this page!
This project is worth 100 points and will be graded using the rubrics provided.

Part A (30 points)
Interview someone with either type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, asking them the following questions. If you are a person with diabetes, answer the questions yourself. If you do not know of anyone with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, use the information in your course materials to simulate an interview. Be sure your answers are as comprehensive as possible. Write a brief (one-page) summary of your interview.
€¢ How did you first find out you have diabetes?
€¢ What symptoms, if any, do you currently experience?
€¢ What do you have to do to control your diabetes (e.g., insulin, other medications, exercise, diet, etc.)?
€¢ How else does diabetes affect your day-to-day life?

You can add more space to this document, or add additional pages as you need to.




Part B (30 points)
Pay a visit to your favorite fast food restaurant. Ask an employee to provide you with nutritional data on the meal you most commonly order there. Most national fast-food chains make this information available to customers. If it is not available in person, use your Internet access and look online. Some fast food restaurants make this information available on their websites (for example, McDonald’s or Burger King). If it is not available, ask at the restaurant for precise ingredients and serving sizes, and use Appendix A in your textbook to figure out the nutrient profiles yourself.
Make a chart of your findings, then summarize your findings in a short essay that answers the following questions.
What is the serving size for each item? How many calories in each? How much total fat is in your favorite meal? How much saturated fat is in each item? trans fat? Assume that you consume an average of 2,000 kcal a day. What percentage of your recommended daily fat intake is provided by this single meal? What percentage of your total energy?
You can add more space to this document, or add additional pages as you need to.



Part B will be graded using the following rubric.
Objective Meets Course Expectations Approaches Course Expectations Does Not Meet Course Expectations
To demonstrate content knowledge Chart includes all required information. Chart includes most of the required information. Chart does not include a significant portion of the required information.
To integrate and organize content Data is well organized into easily read chart. Data is somewhat well organized, but could be better. Data is not organized or easy to follow.
To summarize information Summary is complete and easy to understand. Summary is missing some components or is somewhat difficult to understand. Summary is missing or is too difficult to understand to accomplish the task.

Part C (40 points)
Go to your local grocery store or health food store and check out the labels of three different brands of protein bars. Try to find similar flavors for each brand (e.g., chocolate, lemon, etc.). For each item, document:

€¢ product name and description
€¢ serving size
€¢ calories per serving
€¢ saturated fat per serving
€¢ dietary fiber per serving
€¢ sugars per serving
€¢ protein per serving
€¢ vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron per serving
€¢ price

Make a chart comparing your findings. Based on your data, rate the bars from most to least nutritious, and provide the rationale for your rating. Finally, calculate the average price of a protein bar. How much protein are you getting for your money? How does this compare with the cost of other portable sources of protein, such as yogurt, prepackaged cheese and crackers, or a peanut butter sandwich?
You can add more space to this document, or add additional pages as you need to.