The root causes of the abuse of antibiotics by people in China, effect and the rational use of the strategy.

IB – W2 – Replies
September 3, 2020
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September 3, 2020

The root causes of the abuse of antibiotics by people in China, effect and the rational use of the strategy.

The root causes of the abuse of antibiotics by people in China, effect and the rational use of the strategy.

The purpose of this assignment us to give you practice in using a number at research sources
as well as in the use at APA documentation format.
NOTE: You must follow the instructions exactly.
Find the following items online. as required. and promde lull documentarm at each source in
APAlormat. You will receive instructionson howto useAPMormawhen it istimeloryouto do
this ass-gnment.
Thelirstthingyou mustdoistochooseanylamoushistoncal figmevrhoselirstnanebegins
withthesame ietterasyourown. Onceyou havechosenthisperson.dothelotlowing:
1. Findabookabouthisperson. Abookaboutaperson isnotahookbythatperson.
Use Novanet
You must choose ‘Subiect‘ in the Novanet cop-down menu.
Give lull documentatnon in APA tormat
2. Findan article in aschoiartyjournal lrom admbaseahmtthispersonor resort-term
You can use EBSOOoranotherdaabasethatissuggested-ntlisharmoolt
Give lull documentat-on in APA tormat
3. Find a review of a recent book about this person.
Read and revvewandprovideaverybrietsynopsisottheoveral manndthereviewer.
This mightbeone main sentencetromtherevvewmatprovrdesthethesis
Give lull documentatnon in APA lormat
4. Go to any online etymological dictionary. such as Wm
etymology (history) at that word. 00 not choose your name.
When was this word first recorded as used in the English language?
5. Find a scholarly website containing information related to the life or work at the famous figure
you have chosen.
Give the citation in APA format, inciuding the date of access and the URL