The Role of Potassium Nutrition on Salinity Tolerance in Wheat Academic Essay

September 23, 2020
Accounting for business decisions Academic Essay
September 23, 2020

The Role of Potassium Nutrition on Salinity Tolerance in Wheat Academic Essay

This is a 10 minute presentation, using PowerPoint or equivalent slides, explaining the project and why it is worth doing. It should present the key points from your proposal in a way that would convince the audience that you have a good idea and that it is worth supporting.

This is a 10 minute presentation, using PowerPoint or equivalent slides, explaining the project and why it is worth doing. It should present the key points from your proposal in a way that would convince the audience that you have a good idea and that it is worth supporting.

prefer to send a text script
You can send the script as a separate file, or you can enter the script as notes for each slide (see the example presentation for what this would look like). Scripts will be read out at an appropriate talking pace to determine the overall time for the presentation. If you do send a written script, remember to make the language less formal than you would normally use for written work.
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Posted on May 18, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions