Health Organization Case Study
October 25, 2020
How are pragmatism and analytic philosophy uniquely American movements? What ideas make them different from the way Europeans of the same period were
October 25, 2020

The Role of Homework

In your initial post, suggest two homework assignments for the first three weeks of treatment and share your directions

to the caregiver, along with the rationale for using them.
Our goal in this discussion is to share assignments that we can all use in our filial therapy manuals. Please provide

sufficient information so that we understand what the adult is to do and why the homework is being assigned.


Use your Landreth and Bratton text, Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT): A 10-Session Filial Therapy Model, to

complete the following:
• Read the following chapters for details on the early training sessions that follow the Landreth ten-week model.

Partial transcripts of each session are included:
o Chapter 9, “CPRT Training Session 3: Parent-Child Play Session Skills and Procedures,” pages 199–220.
o Chapter 10, “CPRT Training Session 4: Supervision Format and Limit Setting,” pages 221–246.
o Chapter 11, “CPRT Training Session 5: Play Session Skills Review,” pages 247–268.
Use your VanFleet text, Filial Therapy: Strengthening Parent-Child Relationships Through Play, to complete the

• Read pages 31–90, including:
o “Parent Training Phase of Filial Therapy.”
o “Parents’ Initial Play Sessions.”
o “Continuing Play Sessions Under Direct Supervision.”
o “The Transfer of Play Sessions to the Home Setting.”
o “Home Play Sessions and Generalization of Skills.”
o “The Closing Phase of Filial Therapy.”
o “Alternative Formats for Filial Therapy.”
o “Other Filial Therapy-Derived or -Inspired Programs and Adaptations.”
o “Applications of Filial Therapy to Specialized Populations.”
o “Multicultural Applicability of Filial Therapy.”
o Developing Competence in Filial Therapy.”
This part of the text focuses on the process of filial play therapy. It provides a glance at what happens in the play

sessions, and includes some of the ideas that should be considered in planning sessions.

Case Scenario Background: Meet the Families
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• Click Launch Presentation to review Case Scenario Background: Meet the Families.
Name Jared
Gender Male
Age 4
Heritage African American-Scottish
Spirituality Baptist, Practicing
Presenting symptoms Hitting and cussing in pre-kindergarten
Strength areas Loves rap music, loves to dance to rap music, very close to his mother’s younger sister; relationship

strong and positive, Sorita and mother are doing well in school
Developmental Moderately delayed in several developmental areas: social skills, awareness of feelings, slightly lagging

in large and fine motor skills
Diagnosis NA
Family of Origin —
Mother Malita
Father Not present, not involved
Caregivers Living with mother and grandmother
Siblings None
School Public pre-kindergarten
Socio-economic status Making efforts to transitioning to working class
Interests / hobbies Loves to dance and sing
Pets None
Other Jared hits and cusses at pre-kindergarten. He presents as a very angry little boy. He has never met his father

and he and his mother have lived with his grandmother and his mother’s younger sister, Sorita (who is 15) all of his

life. His mother Malita has recently graduated from a community college and is in training to become a registered

nurse. His grandmother has cared for him with his aunt, while his mother has worked and attended college since his


Jared’s mother is working and attending school and reports that she feels terrible about not spending enough time with

Jared. Jared spends a lot of time with Sorita, who is an, highly motivated student, like her older sister Sorita enjoys

her time caring for Jared although she wishes she had more time to go out and see her friends. Jared’s grandmother

reports that she regrets her daughters did not have relationships with their fathers, and she thinks that this is the

root of Jared’s problems. She Grandmother has sought some help from their church minister, who has suggested that he

spend time with a male mentor from their congregation. The grandmother is experiencing some chronic physical problems

that sap her energy.

Grandmother also reports that men have not been present in the family going back as far as she can recall. She feels

both angry and helpless about this history. She herself reports that her own mother was an alcoholic and that in spite

of this history, She has improved her life from that of her siblings (three brothers and two sisters), whom she has

little or no contact. Two of her brothers have been imprisoned, and the third died in gang violence as a teenager.

Mother, Auntie, Grandmother
Landreth, G. L., & Bratton, S. C. (2006). Child parent relationship therapy (CPRT): A 10-session filial therapy model.

New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN: 9780415951104.
VanFleet, R. (2000). A parent’s handbook of filial play therapy: Building strong families with play. Boiling Springs,

PA: Play Therapy Press. ISBN: 9781930557062.
VanFleet, R. (2014). Filial therapy: Strengthening parent-child relationships through play (3rd ed.). Sarasota, FL:

Professional Resource Press. ISBN: 9781568871455.