The Role of Female Voice and its Silencing in The Wifes Lament, Man of Law Tales and Margery Kempe.

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The Role of Female Voice and its Silencing in The Wifes Lament, Man of Law Tales and Margery Kempe.

The research essay must focus on the perception of women in Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Culture in The Wifes Lament, Chaucers, Man of Law Tales and The Book of Margery Kemep, with specific focus on how the female voice is silenced by male perspective in the medieval patriarchal culture.
The essay should analyze the experience of travel and how it is desirable, role of suffering motivated by traveling, how travel provokes emotion and the characters agency over travel. In addition, essay should demonstrate and contrast female exilic experience, women agency, female voice and silencing in these 3 text and the additional supporting research Ive provided. Also, contrast how the role of silencing in Margery Kempe counters role of female voice adapts male perspective in Man of Law Tales and The Wifes Lament.
This essay analyzes and compares female narrators and a combination of five female characters in The Wifes Lement, Man of Law Tales and The book of Margery Kempe, and aims to demonstrate the role of female voice and how silencing is addressed in each text, analyzing what the text reveals regarding the masculine perspective.
The essay will also contrast the role of silencing in Margery Kempe and how it counters the role of female voice to adapt male perspective in The Man of Laws Tale and The Wifes Lement. In The Book of Margery Kempe, masculine perspective in medieval culture is the dominant order. How does Margerys resistance to medieval culture characterize her masculinity? What does Margery Kemep destabilize, how and its result. What is the role of feminism in The Book of Margery Kempe? Do the female narrators and characters rebel against the patriarchal order or do they accept their inferior role to men? In order to answer these questions womens status in the medieval culture as seen through historical sources and the differences of patriarch will be looked at; their legal status, prevailing ideas of about their inherent qualities, influence of the clergy, biblical and religious views on gender and the restrictions women faced in society.I