Science Lesson
October 20, 2020
Policy Briefing Note
October 20, 2020

“The Rocking Horse Winner

The Rocking Horse Winner
Paper instructions:
Case study for June Birthing

Case study for The Rocking Horse Winner

Case study for Miss Brill

Case study for Hills Like white Elephants
Case Study Guidelines

1. The Problem: Begin by stating the problem or problems the characters face. Your comments should be based on the text and meet the standards to be expected in any college transfer English class.


2 Social History: .Provide a social history. How does each character act in the story? What environmental forces are at work?

3. Conceptualization and Treatment: What is the psychological cause for the problems the character or characters face? What mode of treatment would you suggest to help the character or characters?

4. Discussion: Apply the concepts and suggestions noted earlier to society in general. Could patients suffering the same dysfunction profit from similar treatment? What could be done to prevent the problems noted from occurring in the first place? What do the problems noted in the case study say about society in general?

Please note: I realize that you do not have an advanced degree in psychology and, therefore, have limited acquaintance with some of the terms and concepts peculiar to psychology. However, you can think. Since this is really an exercise in critical thinking, I expect your comments to be meaningful, logical, analytical, complete, and original. (Do not crib something from the Internet.)

The Procedure

Students will discuss the story in class, following the guidelines noted above. Each student will turn in a case study at the next class meeting. Each case study must be typed (about two pages) and address the four areas noted above, following the format I have provided. If you are absent the day of the discussion, you”re on your own and are still expected to complete the assignment.

You will be graded on your ability to follow these directions. Ask questions if you do not understand. Label everything accurately, and staple your work.