The rise of the BRICS does not aid the emancipation of the Global South. Discuss.

CCM Case
June 15, 2020
Finance/Economics – Money and Financial Institutions
June 15, 2020

The rise of the BRICS does not aid the emancipation of the Global South. Discuss.

The rise of the BRICS does not aid the emancipation of the Global South. Discuss.

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3000 word essay with a 10% leeway, so 3300 words permitted including everything but the bibliography.

– At least 15 academic references is preferable.

Please note: the referencing style for this essay should be: Harvard style.

Here is the recommended reading regarding the BRICs topic from my university’s website:

10. The rise of the BRICs:

Key readings:
-Farooki, Masuma, (2013) The rising powers as drivers of development. FROM: Papaioannou, Theo, International development in a changing world. pp.99-123. London:
Bloomsbury Academic

· Bond, P. and Garcia, A. (2015) ‘Introduction’ in idem, eds. Brics : an anti-capitalist critique , Pluto

· Ban, Cornel & Mark Blyth (2013) ‘The BRICs and the Washington Consensus: An introduction’, Review of international political economy., 20(2): 241-55 /p>

·Vestergaard, V. and Wade, R. (2013) ‘Protecting Power: How Western States Retain The Dominant Voice in The World Bank’s Governance’, World development. 46: 153-64.

· Gray, Kevin and Murphy, Craig N. (2013) ‘Introduction: rising powers and the future of global governance’, Third World Quarterly 34(2): 183-93

· Henderson, J., Appelbaum, R. P. and Ho, S. Y. (2013) ‘Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: Externalization, Dynamics and Transformations’, Development and
change., 44 (6):1221–1253

recommended readings:

Mohan, G. (2013) ‘Beyond the Enclave: Towards a Critical Political Economy of China and Africa’, Development and change. , 44 (6): 1255–72

· Ayers, A. (2013) ‘Beyond Myths, Lies and Stereotypes: The Political Economy of a ‘New Scramble for Africa’’, New political economy. 18(2): 227-57

Breslin, S. (2013) China and the South: Objectives, Actors and Interactions. Development and change. , 44 (6): 1273–94

Amin, Samir (2013) ‘China 2013’, Monthly review. 64 (10),

· Bräutigam, D. and Gallagher, K. P. (2014) ‘Bartering Globalization: China’s Commodity backed Finance in Africa and Latin America’, Global Policy 5(3): 346-52.

· Kaplinsky, R. (2013) ‘What contribution can China make to inclusive growth in sub?Saharan Africa? ’, Development and change. 44(6): 1295-1316.

· Jenkins, R. (2012) ‘Latin America and China – a new dependency? ’, Third world quarterly. , 33(7), 1337-58.

· Campbell, Horace (2008) ‘China in Africa: challenging US global hegemony’, Third world quarterly. 29(1): 89-105.

· · Carmody, P and Owusu, F.Y. (2007) ‘Competing hegemons? Chinese versus American geo-economic strategies in Africa’ Political geography. . 26, 5 & Carmody, Pádraig,
and Ian Taylor. “Flexigemony and force in China’s resource diplomacy in Africa: Sudan and Zambia compared.” Geopolitics. 15, no. 3 (2010): 496-515

· Cheru, Fantu. “Emerging Southern powers and new forms of South–South cooperation: Ethiopia’s strategic engagement with China and India.” Third world quarterly. 37,
no. 4 (2016): 592-610.

· Ovadia, Jesse Salah. “Accumulation with or without dispossession? A ‘both/and’approach to China in Africa with reference to Angola.” Review of African political
economy. 40, no. 136 (2013): 233-250.

· Shinn, David. “Extended Ground for US-China Competition? Comparing China’s and the US’ Engagement with Africa.” China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies 2,
no. 01 (2016): 35-55.

Syngenta and the Chinese Factor

· see articles in Special Issue: Globalization with Chinese Characteristics, Development and change., 44 (6)

· see articles in Special issue re Rising Powers, Third world quarterly. (2013), 34(2)

· Kaplinsky, Raphael and Mike Morris (2008) ‘Do the Asian Drivers Undermine Export-oriented Industrialization in SSA? ’, World Development, 36(2): 254-73

· Mohan, Giles (2013) ‘Migrants as agents of South-South Cooperation: the case of Chinese in Africa’, in: Dargin, Justin ed. The rise of the global south :
philosophical, geopolitical and economic trends of the 21st century. London: World Scientific.

· Mohan, Giles and Lampert, Ben (2013) ‘Negotiating China: reinserting African agency into China-Africa relations’, African affairs., 112(446): 92–110

· Mohan, G. (2008) ‘China in Africa: A Review Essay’, Review of African political economy., 35 (1): 155-73

· Harris, J, 2005, ‘Emerging Third World powers: China, India and Brazil’, Race and class. , 46 (3), pp. 7-27

· Glosny, M, 2010, ‘China and the BRICs: A Real (but Limited) Partnership in a Unipolar World’, Polity Vol. 42 – and see the whole of this special journal edition on

· Henderson, Jeffrey and Khalid Nadvi (2011) ‘Greater China, the challenges of global production networks and the dynamics of transformation’, Global networks., 11(3):

· Cantin, Étienne and Marcus Taylor (2007) ‘Making the ‘workshop of the world’: China and the international division of labour’, in Marcus Taylor (ed.) Global economy
contested : power and conflict across the international division of labor, London: Routledge

· Mittelman James H. (2013) ‘Global Bricolage: emerging market powers and polycentric governance’, Third world quarterly., 34(1)

· Obi, Cyril I. (2008) ‘Enter the Dragon? Chinese Oil Companies & Resistance in the Niger Delta ’, Review of African political economy. , 117: 417-34

· Kiely, Ray (2008) ‘’Poverty’s Fall’/China’s Rise: Global Convergence or New Forms of Uneven Development? ’, Journal of contemporary Asia., 38(3): 353-72

· Humphrey, J. and D. Messner (2006) ‘China and India as emerging global governance actors: Challenges for developing and developed countries’, IDS bulletin., 37(1):

·Ferchen, Matt (2013) ‘Whose China Model is it anyway? The contentious search for consensus’, Review of international political economy., 20(2): 390-420

·Fourcade, Marion (2013) ‘The material and symbolic construction of the BRICs: Reflections inspired by the RIPE Special Issue, Review of international political
economy. ’, 20(2): 256-267

· Ayers, Alison J. (2013) ‘Beyond Myths, Lies and Stereotypes: The Political Economy of a ‘New Scramble for Africa’’, New political economy. 18(2): 227-257

· Debray, Régis (2013) ‘Decline of the West? ’, New left review. 80, March-April

· Vanaik, Achin (2013) ‘Capitalist Globalisation and the Problem of Stability: enter the new quintet and other emerging powers’, Third World Quarterly 34(2): 194-13

· Beeson, Mark (2013) ‘Can China Lead? ’, Third world quarterly. 34(2): 233-50

· Bond, Patrick (2013) ‘Sub-imperialism as Lubricant of Neoliberalism: South African ‘deputy sheriff’ duty within brics’, Third world quarterly. 34(2): 251-70

· Chandhoke, Neera (2013) ‘Realising Justice’, Third world quarterly. 34(2): 305-20

· Quadir, Fahimul (2013) ‘Rising Donors and the New Narrative of ‘South–South’ Cooperation: what prospects for changing the landscape of development assistance
programmes? ’, Third world quarterly. 34(2): 321-38.

· Farooki, Masuma and Mohan, Giles (2012) The rising powers as drivers of development. In: Butcher, Melissa and Papaioannou, Theo eds. International development in a
changing world London: Bloomsbury Academic.

· Mohan, Giles (2012) ‘Rising powers’, in: Butcher, Melissa and Papaioannou, Theo eds. International development in a changing world London: Bloomsbury Academic.

· Urban, Frauke; Mohan, Giles and Cook, Sarah (2012) China as a new shaper of international development: the environmental implications, Environment, Development and

· Tan-Mullins, May and Mohan, Giles (2012) The potential of corporate environmental responsibility of Chinese state-owned enterprises in Africa, Environment,
development and sustainability.

· Power, Marcus; Mohan, Giles and Tan-Mullins, May (2012) China’s resource diplomacy in Africa : powering development? International Political Economy Series. London:
Palgrave McMillan.

· Najam, Adil and Rachel Thrasher (2012) The future of South-South economic relations/ Adil Najam., Zed books

· Sklair, Leslie and Peter T Robbins (2002) ‘Global capitalism and major corporations from the Third World’, Third world quarterly., 23(1): 81-100

· Hurrel, A. (2006) ‘Hegemony, liberalism and global order: what space for would-be great powers? ’, International Affairs , 82(1): 1-19

· Henderson, J, 2008,’China and global development: towards a Global Asian era? ‘, Contemporary Politics, 14(4), pp. 375-92

· Kaplinsky, R, 2006, ‘China and the global terms of trade’, IDS bulletin., 37(1), pp. 43-51

· Kaplinsky, R, 2008, ‘What does the rise of China do for industrialisation in sub-Saharan Africa? ‘, Review of African political economy., 35(1), pp. 7-22

· Tull, D, 2006, ‘China’s engagement in Africa: scope, significance and consequences’, Journal of modern African studies., 44(3), pp. 459-79

· Hung, Ho-fung (2008) ‘Rise of China and the global overaccumulation crisis’, Review of international political economy., 15(2): 149-179

· Steinfeld, Edward S. (2004) ‘China’s Shallow Integration: Networked Production and the New Challenges for Late Industrialization’, World Development, 32(11): 1971–

· Gu, Jing, John Humphrey and Dirk Messner (2008) ‘Global governance and developing countries: The implications of the rise of China’, World Development,, 36(2): 274-

· Brautigam, D, 2010, ‘Africa’s Eastern Promise: What the west can learn from Chinese investment in Africa’, Foreign affairs., 89 (1),

· Chan Lai-Ha, Pak K. Lee, and Gerald Chan (2008) ‘Rethinking global governance: A China model in the making? ’, Contemporary Politics, 14(1): 3-19

· Foot, Rosemary (2006) ‘Chinese strategies in a US-hegemony global order: accommodating and hedging’, International Affairs, 82(1): 77-94

· Fantu Cheru and Cyril Obi (eds.) (2010) The rise of China and India in Africa : challenges, opportunities and critical interventions, London: Zed books,

· Goldstein, Andrea, Nicholas Pinaud, Helmut Reisen and Xiaoban Chen (2006) The Rise of China and India: What’s in it for Africa?, Paris: Development Centre of the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

· Large and Patey (2011) Sudan looks east : China, India & the politics of Asian alternatives Chapter: Sudan ‘Looks East’’

· Breslin, Shaun (2007) China and the global political economy, London: Palgrave Macmillan, ‘Chapter: Interpreting Chinese ‘Power’ in the Global Political Economy’

· Beeson, Mark (2009) ‘Comment: Trading places? China, the United States and the evolution of the international political economy’, Review of international political
economy., 16(4):729-741

· Nadvi, Khalid, Peter Lund-Thomsen, Hong Xue and Navjote Khara (2011) ‘Playing against China: Global value chains and labour standards in the international sports
goods industry’, Global networks., 11 (3): 334-54

· Lai, H. (2007). ‘China’s oil diplomacy: is it a global security threat? ’, Third world quarterly., 28(3): 519-37

· Zhang, Kevin Honglin (2009) ‘Rise of Chinese Multinational Firms’, The Chinese economy., 42(6): 81-96

· Pan, Chengxin (2009) ‘What is Chinese about Chinese Businesses? Locating the ‘rise of China’ in global production networks’, Journal of contemporary China., 18(58):

· Heron, Tony (2007) ‘European Trade Diplomacy and the Politics of Global Development: Reflections on the EU-China ‘Bra-Wars’ Dispute’ , Government and opposition. ,
42(2): 190-214

· McCormick, D, 2008, ‘China and India as new donors: The impact of aid on development’, Review of African political economy., 35(1), pp. 73-92

· Narlikar, A. (2007) ‘All that glitters is not gold: India’s rise to power’, Third world quarterly., 28(5): 983-96

· Narlikar, A. (2006) ‘Peculiar chauvinism or strategic calculation? Explaining the negotiating strategy of a rising India’, International Affairs , 82(1): 59-76

· Fidler, David P. and Sumit Ganguly (2010) ‘India and Eastphalia’, Indiana journal of global legal studies., 17(1): 147-64

· Burges, Sean W. (2007) ‘Building a global Southern coalition: The competing approaches of Brazil’s Lula and Venezuela’s Chávez’, Third world quarterly., 28(7): 1343

· Rothe, Dawn (2010) China’s aid policy towards economically weakened states: a case of state criminality? ’’, in Chambliss, William J., Raymond Michalowski and Ronald
Kramer (eds.) State crime in the global age

· Vestergaard, J. and Wade, R. (2011) ‘Adjusting to multipolarity in the World Bank: ducking and diving, wriggling and squirming’, DIIS working paper 2011:24.

· Vestergaard, J. (2011) ‘The World Bank and the emerging world order’, DIIS Report 2011:05

· Scoones, I., Cabral, L. and Tugendhat, H. (2013) China and Brazil in African Agriculture, IDS bulletin. 44.4

·Xiaoyun, L. and Carey, R. (2014) ‘The BRICS and the International Development System: Challenge and Convergence? ’, IDS Evidence Report 58. Available online at:
%20Convergence.pdf? sequence=5

Kaplan, S., (2014) The China Boom in Latin America: An End to Austerity? . Institute for International Economic Policy Working Paper Series . Available online:

Lee, C.K., (2014).The Spectre of Global China. New left review. , (89), pp.29-65.

Li, Minqi (2015) China and the twenty-first century crisis , Pluto

Taylor, Ian (2014) Africa rising? : BRICS – diversifying dependency , JC

Lampert et al. (2014) Chinese migrants and Africa’s development : new imperialists or agents of change? , Zed

French, H. (2014) China’s second continent : how a million migrants are building a new empire in Africa , New York: Doubleday

– websites: –

Further readings:

· Alden, C, 2007, China in Africa, Zed, London

· Bao, S, Lin, S & Zhao, C (eds), 2006, The Chinese economy after WTO accession, Ashgate

· Brautigam, D, 2009, The dragon’s gift : the real story of China in Africa, OUP, New York

· Buckley, P (ed), 2010, Foreign direct investment, China and the world economy Palgrave, Basingstoke

· Cook, S & Gu, J, 2009, ‘The Global Financial Crisis: Implications for China’s South-South Cooperation’, IDS bulletin., 40(5), pp. 38-46

· Corkin, L & Naidu, S, 2008, ‘China and India in Africa: An introduction’, Review of African political economy., 35(1)

· Dittmer, L & Yu, G (eds), 2010, China, the developing world, and the new global dynamic, Lynne Rienner, Boulder

· Emmott, B, 2008, Rivals : how the power struggle between China, India and Japan will shape our next decade, Allen Lane, London Available as an Online Course Reading
in the VLE

· Farndon, J, 2007, China rises : how China’s astonishing growth will change the world Virgin Books, London Available as an Online Course Reading in the VLE

· Fleury, A & Leme Fleury, M, 2006, ‘China and Brazil in the Global Economy’, IDS bulletin., 37(1), pp. 71-9

· Freeman, R, 3 June 2005, ‘ What really ails Europe (and America) : the doubling of the global workforce ’, The Globalist,
StoryId=4542 >

· Goldstein, A, 2006, The Rise of China and India: What’s in it for Africa? , OECD, Paris

· Guilhoto, J & Hewings, G (eds), 2000, Structure and Structual Change in the Brazilian Economy, Ashgate Available as an Online Course Reading in the VLE

· Hamilton, G, 2006, Commerce and capitalism in Chinese societies , Routledge

· Hammond, A & Prahalad, C, 2004, ‘Selling to the poor’, Foreign policy. No. 142 (1 May), pp. 30-37

· Harneit-Sievers, A, Marks, S & Naidu, S (eds), 2010, Chinese and African perspectives on China in Africa, Pambazuka, Oxford

· Humphrey, J & Messner, D, 2006, ‘China and India as emerging global governance actors: challenges for developing and developed countries’, IDS bulletin., 37(1), pp.

· Kaviraj, S, 2004, ‘The politics of liberalization in India’ in Bromley, S, Mackintosh, M, Brown, W & Wuyts, M (eds), 2004, Making the international : economic
interdependence and political order : a world of whose making?, Pluto, London, chapter 6. See also chapter 7

· Kornberg, J & Faust, J, 2006, China in world politics : policies, processes, prospects, Lynne Rienner, London

· Kwan, Y & Eden, S (eds), 2005, Critical issues in China’s growth and development , Ashgate Available as an Online Course Reading in the VLE

· Kynge, J, 2007, China shakes the world : the rise of a hungry nation, Orion Books Available as an Online Course Reading in the VLE

· Lardy, N, 2002, Integrating China into the global economy , Brookings Institution Press

· Li, M, 2008, The rise of China and the demise of the capitalist world-economy, Monthly Review Press, New York

· Malik, V & Schultz, J (eds), 2008, The rise of China : perspectives from Asia and Europe, Pentagon Press, New Delhi

· Mohan, G & Power, M, 2008, ‘New African Choices? The politics of Chinese engagement in Africa and the changing architecture of international development’, Review of
African political economy., 35(1), pp. 23-42

· O’Brien, R & Williams, M, 2010, Global political economy : evolution and dynamics> (3rd ed), Palgrave, Basingstoke,pp. 267-71 Available as an Online Course Reading
in the VLE

· Ostry, S, Alexandroff, A & Gomez, R (eds), 2002, China and the long march to global trade : the accession of China to the World Trade Organization , Routledge

· Prestowitz, C, 2006, Three billion new capitalists : the great shift of wealth and power to the East, Basic Books, New York

· Roett, R, 2010, The new Brazil , Brookings Institution, Washington DC

· Rohter, L, 2010, Brazil on the rise : the story of a country transformed, Palgrave Macmillan, New York Available as an Online Course Reading in the VLE

· Rotberg, R (ed.), 2008, China into Africa : trade, aid, and influence, Brookings Institution, Washington DC

· Senokosov, Y & Skidelsky, E, 2001, The Russian economy today, Moscow

· Shenkar, O, 2005, The Chinese century : the rising Chinese economy and its impact on the global economy, the balance of power, and your job, Wharton

· Shirk, S, 2007, China, fragile superpower, OUP, New York

· Six, C, 2009, ‘The rise of postcolonial states as donors: A challenge to the development paradigm? ‘, Third world quarterly., 30(6), pp. 1103-21

· Smith, D, 2007, The dragon and the elephant : China, India and the new world order Profile

· Srinivasan, T N & Tendulkar, S, 2003, Reintegrating India with the World Economy , IIE Available as an Online Course Reading in the VLE

· Studman, J, 2009, ‘Nurturing the Chinese Economy’, Far eastern economic review.

· Suzuki, S, 2009, ‘Chinese soft power, insecurity studies, myopia and fantasy’, Third world quarterly., 30(4), pp. 779-93

· Winters, L A & Yusuf, S (eds), Dancing with giants : China, India, and the global economy, World Bank Publications, Washington DC

· Wilson, D & Purushothaman, R, 2003, ‘Dreaming with BRICs: The Path to 2050’, Goldman Sachs Global Economic Paper 99,

· Wilson, D, Burgi, C & Carlson, S, 2011, ‘A Progress Report on the Building of the BRICS’, Goldman Sachs,

· Worth, O, 2005, Hegemony, international political economy and post-communist Russia , Ashgate Available as an Online Course Reading in the VLE

· Wu, Y, 2003, China’s economic growth : a miracle with Chinese characteristics , Routledge

· Yinhong, S, 2011, ‘ China, ‘Global Challenges’ and the Complexities of International Cooperation’, Global Policy, 2(1)

· Zhao, Q & Liu, G (eds), 2009, Managing the China challenge : global perspectives, Routledge

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– Google Scholar (possibly a good first stop)

– JSTOR (great database, particularly for historical material)

– EBSCO (particularly useful for glossy magazine articles but also for standard journal articles)

– Science Direct (don’t be put off by the name!)

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– Aswell as any books or other academic sources