Statute of the International Criminal Court.
July 18, 2020
Create a database schema that supports the companys business and processes.
July 18, 2020

the responsible company

the responsible companyOrder Descriptionread the book the responsible company and ask following question
Choose two issues in the book where Patagonia faced an ethical decision:
Describe briefly the ethical dilemma in each, what stakeholders were affected and how the dilemma aligned or conflicted with business goals
How did they evaluate and determine rights and responsibilities in each dilemma?
What did they identify in each dilemma as lessons for the company going forward?Do you think the authors make a good case for the importance of the triple bottom line? Why or why not?
Assessment and measurement is a controversial aspect of the triple bottom line approach. Did you feel the authors provided sufficient information and resources fortheir position to be credible? Why or why not?