The resiliency of energy-sustainable solutions in Saudi Arabia Academic Essay

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The resiliency of energy-sustainable solutions in Saudi Arabia Academic Essay

The main elements in the project are;
Energy , Resilience , Sustainable ,Urban futures and Domestic building sector
You should consider ;
1- This should focuses in the local context and conditions.
2- We are assessing and analyzing the resiliency of the sustainable energy solutions in Saudi Arabia.
3- Important part of the methodology will be a compression in many ways between Saudi Arabia and The United Kingdom in implementing the energy options. The cities will be selected later on.
4-In some how , you have to linked this project with economic, social advantages and community ,
5-Saudi Arabian people they have their own culture and behavior, so the sustainable solutions will be changed or adapted to be implemented in this country.
5-Saudi Government vision: (Saudi vision 2030)
6- Changing from petroleum to alternative solutions.
7-Saudi Arabia government want to search and find alternative energy Sustainable solutions.But there are problems and challenges.
8 -You may write one sentence about there is uncertainty about the availability of the data in Saudi Arabia.
9 – You should write about there is kind of risk to collect data from Saudi Arabia , but this is depend to what kind of information we may need. But collecting data from The UK maybe not difficult.

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Posted on May 6, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions