I think it is not morally upright to allow gay men and lesbians to get into marriage the same way that heterosexuals do. The State has an obligation to endorse any society’s morality; hence it would not be upright for them to legalize the relationships of gay men and those of lesbians in the same way as those of heterosexuals. Although gays and lesbians have increased in the recent past, many people have been against it, clinging to the fact that morality and virtue in society are of vital importance.
According to Hartwig (2006), 1986 ‘Letter’ brought out the connection between homosexuality and unhappiness in the victims lives. The letter had it that homosexuality is one of the moral disorders that exist in the society, and it does not bring the fulfillment intended by the creative wisdom of God. In line with the virtue theory, the moral law is integral to the created order and should be upheld as stated in the book of Romans by Paul (Hartwig, 2006). Many sociological and psychological studies have tried to view sexuality in a different angle and say that lesbians and gays should be supported, just as Galileo’s views in the 17th century. It will, therefore, take a strong commitment on the part of religion to fight homosexuality.
In the case of Goodridge versusthe Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Goodridges claimed that they were denied access to protections, requirements of civil marriage and the benefits associated with it because of being lesbians. The Commonwealth ofMassachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that lesbian and gay marriage should be legalized since denying homosexuals such rights is not matched with the principles of the constitution that states that individual autonomy. The ruling has challenged the traditional Christian moral attitude about homosexuality since many more homosexuals have come in the open. The chastity-based models have upgraded the traditional moral virtue by claiming that the purpose of sexuality is love (Hartwig, 2010). The plaintiff claimed that they loved each other so they should not be barred in any way. There has been new inherited thought about sexuality and forged models of integrity and virtues, thus the need for a strong, courageous institution to fight homosexuality.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts (2015). Massachusetts law about same-sex marriage. Retrieved from: http://www.mass.gov/courts/case-legal-res/law-lib/laws-by-subj/about/gaymarriage.html
Hartwig, M. J. (2010). The poetics of intimacy and the problem of sexual abstinence. New York, NY: Peter Lang
Hartwig, M. J. (2006).The use of sociological studies to confirm or critique Roman Catholic sexual ethics. Padua, Italy: International Catholic Ethics Conference