The Purpose of Education in The Twenty-First Century
Research Paper
Education in the twenty-first century is vastly different from education in the twentieth century due to advances in, amongst other fields, technology and science. Our unit on education demonstrated that there were several differing viewpoints on the purpose of a college education.
In a research paper, write about the role(s) universities should take in education and/or society. Who should attend? Should education be used to benefit and advance society? To train the next generation of workers? To provide a comfortable lifestyle for its graduates? You may wish to read the introduction to the education unit in our textbook(The Presenc of others 5th Edition) on page 49 and the other articles, assigned and not assigned, in the unit for more ideas to form
your paper thesis.This paper may include examples of roles educational institutions take in other countries or roles that other educational institutions take in our country, such as trade schools or community colleges. These examples may be used to illustrate and support your claims.
– Do not use quotes that are longer than 3 lines; otherwise, just paraphrase (still requires citation)
-7-10 sources; 2 may be from class and the rest must be from library research
At leaset 7 sources: In case of accident, the name of the articles are
1. What College and University Websites Reveal About the Purposes of Higher Education
2. Globalization and Regionalization of Higher Education in Three Chinese Societies: Competition and Collaboration.
3. Better learning, better doctors, better community: how transforming clinical education can help repair society.
4. Social Studies Education as a Moral Activity: Teaching towards a just society.
5. Leading the 21st-Century College and University: Managing Multiple Missions and Conflicts of Interest in Higher Education.
6. Preparing for the Future of EducationEquipping Students with 21st Century Skills: An Interview with Dr. Robin Fogarty.
7. Role of University Entrepreneurship Programs in Developing Students’ Entrepreneurial Leadership Competencies: Perspectives From Malaysian Undergraduate Students.
8. The Role of Innovation Education in Student Learning, Economic Development, and University Engagement.
9. Academic Momentum at University/College: Exploring the Roles of Prior Learning, Life Experience, and Ongoing Performance in Academic Achievement Across Time.
Articles from the book(The Presence of Others 5th edition)
The Idea of a University John Henry Newman
Learning in the key of Life Jon Spayde
James McPherson, This Mighty Scourge: Perspectives on the Civil War, Oxford University Press, 2007, And the War Came, p. 3-20 and We Stand by Each other Always: Grant and Sherman.
Schlup and Paschen, eds, The 1890s in America: Documenting the Maturation of a Nation, The Edwin Mellon Press, 2006, Emma Goldman, The Homestead Strike, p. 67-79; Theodore Roosevelt, What Americanism Means, p. 153-160.
For this assignment you are to write a review of one or two short primary sources which summarizes the main arguments of the sources and presents your evaluation of them. The completed essay must be between 2 and 3 pages long and contain the following components:
Primary source guidelines:
1. A title which reflects your assessment of the document.
2. Complete citation of the document following Chicago Style. For a quick guide to Chicago style consult this website.
3. Who is the author? This should include the authors nationality, and other significant information.
4. What is the context of the document? This should include contemporary events and ideas that influenced the author as well as the political and cultural setting.
5. Who is the intended audience for the article? Possible choices include scholars, students, ideological sympathizers and the general reading public.
6. What is the Authors main argument or thesis? State the main idea of the article in a line or two and summarize the authors arguments and the general narrative. What assumptions (if any) does the author make?
7. Tell me what you think. Does the author make a persuasive argument? What are the writer betray unstated prejudices? What is the durability of the argument? What does it means?
8. How did it turn out? Was the documents view of the contemporary scene borne out by subsequent events? Has the authors point of view been validated or repudiated?
Secondary Source guidelines
1. A title which reflects your assessment of the article.
2. Complete citation of the article following Chicago Style. For a quick guide to Chicago style consult this website.
3. Who is the author? This should include the authors academic credentials, nationality, gender and other significant information.
4. What is the context of the article? This should include when the piece was written, contemporary events that may have influenced the author and the political and cultural setting.
5. Who is the intended audience for the article? Possible choices include scholars, students, ideological sympathizers and the general reading public.
6. Does the author discuss the historiography of his subject? If so summarize the range of opinions he considers. Does the author agree or disagree with others who have written on the subject? Does the author effectively address opposing arguments or interpretations?
7. What is the Authors main argument or thesis? State the main idea of the article in a line or two and summarize the authors arguments and the general narrative. What assumptions (if any) does the author make?
8. What sources does the author use? All historians use a mixture of primary and secondary sources, does this individual use more of one kind than another? When the writer uses primary sources is the interpretation persuasive? Do the footnotes/endnotes and bibliography reference other important works on the same topic.
9. Discuss what you think. Does the author make a persuasive argument? What are the writer unstated prejudices? What is the durability of the argument? What does it means?