A. Choose ONE of the policy analysis topics below.
The Reagan Administration’s decision in 1985 to end the ‘strong dollar’ policy and negotiate the Plaza Accord
The decision to form the BRICS Development Bank.
The Basel Committee’s decision to introduce new regulatory standards under the Third Basel Accord (Basel III) in 2010–11.
The EU and US decision to negotiate TTIP/TAFTA.
The European Central Bank’s (ECB) decision to introduce a €1 trillion quantitative easing (QE) programme in 2015.
ASEAN and China’s decision to conclude a free trade agreement throughout 2002–2010.
China’s formation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in 2015.
The US Federal Reserve’s decision to commence and conclude the Quantitative Easing 3 (QE3) programme in 2013–14.
China and Japan’s decision to transform the Chiang Mai Initiative into the CMIM in 2010.
B. Write a policy analysis that addresses all of the following questions.
You should structure your paper utilizing questions B1 B4 as your subheadings in order to compartmentalize your argument, and to ensure clarity and coherence in your presentation.
B.1 How did government and/or institutional policy makers define or represent the issue?
B.2 Did policy makers perceive the issue as potentially beneficial or potentially threatening to their interests?
B.3 What possible alternatives did policy makers consider, or fail to consider, that might have been taken into account?
B.4 What were the main successes and/or failures of the decision?
Criteria for marking:
(a) Comprehension of the core problems and challenges in the topic;
(b) Comprehension and utilization of primary and secondary sources;
(b) Logical planning and sequence of argument or explanation;
(c) Clarity and consistent use of bibliographical conventions, accurate spelling and grammatical expression; and,
(d) Depth and breadth of analysis and research.
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Posted on May 8, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions