The places where different languages are spoken in Scotland has changed since 1100 AD. From the sources, describe fully these changes.

September 5, 2020
research in business project proposal Academic Essay
September 5, 2020

The places where different languages are spoken in Scotland has changed since 1100 AD. From the sources, describe fully these changes.

Marks KU EV

4 (b) The Gaelic language is part of our Scottish cultural heritage. (i) From your own knowledge, give one other example of Scottish cultural heritage.

2 (ii) From your own knowledge, give one example of our Scottish cultural heritage which has been brought to Scotland by immigrants.
10. Look at the sources below. They give information about the level of support for Scotland becoming an independent country. Source A A survey of voters asked the following questions in 2005 and 2007. “Are you in favour of Scotland becoming a country independent from the rest of the UK?” The answers are shown in the graphs below. 2005 Yes No Don’t know 2007
Source B The Sunday Herald newspaper said that the 2007 opinion poll was “bad news for the SNP”. The SNP said it was “very encouraging”. Their spokesperson pointed out that many Labour, Liberal Democrat and even Conservative supporters said they were “in favour of independence”. The figures for the 18–24 year olds showed more than half in favour of independence, but the over-65 age group showed only 41% in favour. Independence was less popular with women than men. In 1998, just before the Scottish Parliament was set up, opinion polls showed 60% of people preferring devolution and only 34% in favour of independence. Source C Support for the SNP in elections 1959 – 2007 (percentage of vote) 40 35 30 25 % of votes 20 15 10 5 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year Page twenty 2010
(a) From the evidence given in the sources, which of the two options given below do you think will happen? Tick (?) one box to show your opinion. Scotland will become an independent country. Scotland will remain part of the United Kingdom. Justify your choice by using the information given in the sources.

4 (b) There are arguments for and against Scottish Independence. From your own knowledge, give two arguments for and two arguments against independence for Scotland. Choose from the following list. Put ticks (?) in the “For” or “Against” columns. For Scotland has been in the Union with England for over 300 years. Scotland would control its own oil wealth. Scotland would be equal with other European nations. Scotland is protected by the British armed forces. 4 [END OF QUESTION PAPER] [0580/402] Page twenty-one Against