The Picture-book and the Child

September 29, 2020
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September 29, 2020

The Picture-book and the Child

For a long time in the history of the earth, picture-books have been in use, not only for children, but also for teaching adults. However, the current discussion focuses on picture-books and their use in children’s educational development. The discussion relates to Salisbury and Style’s book. ‘Children’s picturebook: The art of visual storytelling,’ especially chapter three, which comes out as the most significant chapter in the book. The rationale behind the choice of chapter three as the most significant in the book has been backed by the introduction part of Horning’s 2010 book about evaluation and reviewing of children’s books. It is important to recall that the authors of the book under focus are renowned scholars in the field, with Salisbury being a professor of illustration, and Styles being a professor of children’s literature. In this book of seven chapters, the content of chapter three, in relation to the overall purpose of the book, makes this the most significant chapter in the book.

As can be seen from Horning’s (2010) introductory part, the different parts of a book, carry different weights, and some are more significant than others. Cording to Horning, every part of a book should communicate specific information though inclined to achieve the overall purpose of writing the book. Salisbury and Styles’ 2012 book aims as several purposes as can be seen from the different content that each of the seven chapter carries. Comparing the content of each chapter with the overall purpose of the book, chapter three has more emphasis than the others, fitting to be the most significant chapter in the book.

A reader who examines chapter three of Salisbury and Styles book will agree that it is the nerve center of the book. The chapter carries the specific information that relates to picture-books and the child. In essence, the title of the book can be seen as the main theme that has been discussed in chapter three. The chapter has been divided into two parts. The first part mentions picture-books as a tool for children’s learning. The second part shows picture-books as the visual form through which children tell their stories. With such understanding, chapter three of the book has made an exposition of the title. The chapter, which starts with a preamble from Morag Styles, delves into how children interact with picture-books, how the reading gap between words and images challenge children, and the relationship between visual texts and the educational development of children (Salisbury & Styles, 2012). Indeed, the chapter is about how the child learns through picture-books.

. They are also important since the two processes complete the process of coming up with picture-books, which has been a hurdle worldwide for a long time. However, chapter three is more significant because it carries the main idea of writing the book.

In sum, the parts of a book communicate different messages but are in line with the main idea or purpose of the book. In Salisbury and Styles’ book, chapter three (The Picture-book and the Child) is the most significant part. The rationale for this connotation lies with the fact that chapter three carries the main message of the book, contentwise. Other sections are important in supporting the main message.


Horning, K.T. (2010). From cover to cover: Evaluating and reviewing children’s books (Rev. ed). New York, NY: Collins

Salisbury, M., & Styles, M. (2012). Children’s picturebooks: The art of visual storytelling. London, UK: Laurence King Publishing.