the pianist” movie
discuss “the pianist” movie, how the film rejects the notion that the jews did not fight back, focus on the artist figure, and consider jews(identity) as a whole
Deadline: 2d 3h Jun 9, 2014 at 8:00 AM
Paper instructions:
how the film rejects the notion that the jews did not fight back, focus on the artist figure, and consider jews(identity) as a whole
Each one is unique, the jews are being victims in the war, Why didnt they fight back
explore the essay based on these following,
Different ways that how jews fight back.
1)Guite/craftiness(for example, the main character flatters the officer to save his brother; the song they were singing when the german asked them to sing during the new years. )
2)Forse/guns/(smugging guns)
3)art: imagination, cant take away from the main character, it brings everyone together. it is universal
write more details about whats happening and how does the main character feels during the war. needs quotes too.