Discuss how the news audience has changed from the 1970s until now. Do you feel that Americans can still find unbiased news anywhere today? Why or why not?
How has the news media evolved from the nation’s founding to what it is today? Discuss the various functions the news media has in American society. How well do you feel the media carries out these functions?
What legal and political influences can affect the decisions of judges? How does the judiciary play a part in policymaking?
Explain the structure of the federal judicial system. What are the responsibilities of each part of the system?
The United State military is a critical component to national security and policy. Compare and contrast the different foreign and defense policies in relations to the Armed Forces. Express the pros and cons of each policy. Which policy is one best for the United States?
President Dwight Eisenhower warned of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC). Define the term MIC. Summarize the concerns of President Eisenhower relating to the MIC. Describe the economic impact of the MIC on the American economy.
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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions