The Need for Perfect Health” From Dragon’s Den

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The Need for Perfect Health” From Dragon’s Den

Table of Contents

Executive summary…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Problem statement of Dragon’s Den episode………………………………………………………………………. 5

Situation analysis of the Dragon’s Den episode…………………………………………………………………… 6

Ownership and management…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

The organizational strategy……………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

The organizational mission……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

Financial & other Quantitative Analysis…………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Competition………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

Key success factors of the industry……………………………………………………………………………………. 9

The Dragon’s Den SWOT analysis…………………………………………………………………………………… 10

Alternatives / Options for solving the problem………………………………………………………………….. 10

Recommended Action……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

Implementation plan………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12

References:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13

Executive summary

For many good reasons, Perfect health” from Dragon’s Den episode has become more robust in selling ideas and educating viewers about the need for healthy investment initiatives. By infusing different business techniques and skills, the show has gained popularity as one of the best United Kingdom TV shows in support for business and financial ventures. In addition, the organization collaborates with other like-minded institutions such as the Patricia Bell of Canada that process dairy food products. The Dragon’s Den episode features over eight pitches some of which have not gotten well by the management. However, The Dragon’s Den Company has developed tailor-made shows that are hosted on UK televisions as a parent area of entrepreneurship. The organizational management is instituted depending on each and every episode hence amounting to many owners and managers. The organization has developed a strategy to promote the market through public relations. Such a strategy popularizes the firm through press publications. Ultimately, the organization has its ways of solving problems through a recommendable procedure and a proper implementation plan.


“Perfect health” from Dragon’s Den is episode hosted on the United Kingdom TV channel. The episode allows several entrepreneurs otherwise termed as the Dragon to present their business needs to investors through proposed pitches and expect financial returns. For this reason, the title Perfect Health has been derived from healthy business initiatives. For several years, the TV show has become more robust in selling business ideas and educating viewers about the need for healthy investment initiatives. Besides, the episodes teach friends and corporate at dinner parties concerning issues of investments thus majority have loved the program as they keep on selling in different parts of the United Kingdom. Moving into a healthy business gains, The Dragon’s Den episode has shown willingness to stage up giant support for business initiatives using all the mechanisms (Davis, 2008).

By incorporating the right administrative requirements, the show that has gained reputation as one of the best United Kingdom TV shows. In addition, it enjoys a withstanding support for business and financial ventures. Besides, the organization has received returns in terms of profits besides revenues. In addition, it collaborates with other like-minded institutions such as the Pitch Patricia Bell of Canada that process dairy food products. Such a combination has enhanced solid reviews from different markets and is committed to a shared vision characterized by simply made cabbage rolls (Davis, 2008). As part of their business initiatives, The Dragon’s Den has contributed to the development of the canning machine and pressure cooker hence promoting the need for a better cooking process. Ultimately, the organization focuses on creating long term business benefits by hooking up of participants to some of the prominent Billionaires of the UK.


Problem statement of Dragon’s Den episode

The Dragon’s Den episode features over eight pitches. Whereas, some of the pitches have since been rejected by the management, most pitches have demonstrated the organizational utmost effort to specify the amount of investment and to get an insight of what is expected out of the business. However, a clear utility shows that the organization has experienced serious flaws in the paths. With other interested companies such as BBC of London, the organization has received challenges while solving issues of competition from rival companies such as Piers Linney program (Davis, 2008). Such an organization also airs domestic business practices. In addition, the organization has received a stumbling blog after terminating some of the contract agreements with franchisees thus introducing a substantial amount risk in most departments of the departments.

The Dragon’s Den episode has also fallen to negative suspension across the world through a bug of virus. The virus dragged the institution to corrupt security officials with improper administration contest. Credible sources have pointed out several attempts by the Dragon’s Den episode to sustain the reputation through the institutional website. However, absence of online episodes have damaged and undermined the legitimate operation of the organizational contests at different parts of the United Kingdom (Davis, 2008). The Dragon’s strategized to introduce multiple offers and set out skills to promote entrepreneurship by hosting shows under different economic terms. However, the organization received a lot of criticism from other rivals. The organization was mainly criticized for having faulted for over- valuing the business far much below 50% of the expected returns. The objective of the research, for this reason, is to find out some of the problems that form part of the Dragon’s Den episode challenges towards receiving of returns to the fullest.

Situation analysis of the Dragon’s Den episode

Enterprise and entrepreneurship education have manifested how the Dragon’s Den episode plays an important role in teaching the community about the need for a healthy investment. Due to the growing trend in business, The Dragon’s Den Company has developed tailor-mades shows that are hosted on UK televisions as an a parent area of entrepreneurship. The Dragon’s Den episode entails the next generation entertainment through television show as part of the learning experience. Through live shows that have been hoisted through the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The organizational audiences have succeeded in applying the strategic tools learned from the episode to access the healthy investment initiatives, to appraise the business opportunity and become financially savvy (SYOB, 2010). For this reason, the organization develops the society by building business initiatives industry through talk shows, public teachings and negotiations for a better healthcare service.

Ownership and management

Dragon’s Den episode is owned by Evan Davis as the founder of the British television series. However, the institution has formed several alliances with companies such as Sonny Pictures and BBC of Manchester. Meanwhile, the organizational management is instituted depending on each and every episode hence amounting to many owners and managers. For instance, during the first episode, the implementation process was headed by Jennifer Wood as the manager seconded by Lawrence Lewin. The second episodes to the 9th were headed by Jim Traveling, Arlene Dickson, and Vikram Vij respectively. As such the number gives a clear indication that the organization was headed by several managers (SYOB, 2010).

Despite the presence of several managers, all the managers of the entire organization are guided similar objectives some of which include the following

1)   To improve the organizational brand awareness by 60% in 2015

2)   To have held 20,000 pitches by august 2015

3)   To have aired over 100 episodes in the next three years

4)   To turn the organizational membership by 2000 by 2015 to improve the organizational return by 40%

Due to strict policies that have been instituted by the organization, the management at every episode, managers do not have conflicting do not have either conflicting or objectives. However, variations in terms of preferences are always in existence depending on where the show is being hosted. For instance, some managers prefer to have shows in public concept while others feel more comfortable at live television shows.

The organizational strategy

Dragon’s Den episode is a capital affiliate TV show that invests in pitching innovative ventures by representing the next generation of entertainment. Collaborating with entrepreneurs who have the vision, passion, and financial inspiration, the organization has developed a strategy to promote the organization through public relations. Such a strategy popularizes the firm through press publications. Besides, Dragon’s Den episode has introduced web strategy that promotes the institution through facebook and tweeter hence it facilitates the market through a multitude of people. Ultimately, the organization has introduced the entrepreneurial campaign in several educational institutions to promote financial engagement events. Having partnered with other institutions in the same industry, the Dragon’s Den episode compensates such companies by airing the importance of such firms at their competitive interest. The above strategy works well for the firm because it has enhanced the organizational returns by 40% in past few years (Keen, 2009).

The organizational mission

The Dragon’s Den main mission is to educate viewers as towards the adoption of investment initiatives through pitches.

Current markets

The program has developed a fascinating market since the initiation of the first episode. The Dragon’s Den market has been driven by entrepreneurs who contribute financially in support of investors through financial pitches. Some of the Dragon’s Den current include

Heads of financial institutions: The primary market for Dragon’s Den include heads financial institutions and corporation chairpersons who are used as used as financial tools to capitalize on entrepreneurial venture for the success of the organization and the products.

Corporations/business: The organization has found it very important to invest experimental learning equipments so as to improve the returns. The organizational market segment is mainly influenced by buyers, users and financial instructors who form part of the market niche.

Internet gamers: despite the fact that Dragon’s Den market is mainly targeted to improve both health and financial sector, potential has been developed through an online infrastructure such as social media to market to a wider range of consumers.

The Dragon’s marketing infrastructure has been designed with a lot of exception that does not clearly show the availability of financial venture by holding pitches through UK television channel (Keen, 2009). However, with the organizational bigger market share that was approximately $256,415,000 by the end of 2014 was achieved due to low pricing strategy that was implemented by 2013.

Financial & other Quantitative Analysis

The Dragon’s Den financial statements for the past three years indicate a positive projection throughout the period that the organization has been operating. For instance, the organizational net equity in 2010 was valued at $200,000 for 20% equity. The company valuation during that period was $1000, 000. However, the organizational revenue projection by the end of 2014 was $600,000. The deal can be estimated to be in excess of $200,000 less 10% of the organization commission. However, it is important to understand that the company operates in a dynamic industry that is characterized by both financial and telecommunication (Lakki, 2010).


The Dragon’s Den competitiveness has been enhanced by three main distinctive factors characterized by real business issues that allow people to venture on what is proposed to generate returns to a business sector. Since the industry is dominated by other competitors like Harington bath and The Amazing Mrs. Pritchard. While most firms have resorted to low cost pricing and leading edge of the product technology, The Dragon’s Den employs heavy promotion advertising and high quality service to attract and retain more financial ventures (Lakki, 2010).

Key success factors of the industry

Being a television a television based industry; the success factor has been enhanced by technological skills and strategies that every organization has put in place to outdo the other rival companies (Lakki, 2010). For this reason, The Dragon’s Den mechanism is to produce high-quality episodes with a change in management for every episode so as to indicate a sign of uniqueness.


The Dragon’s Den SWOT analysis


  • Unique products
  • BBC partnership
  • Real world case business scenarios

  • Not potable pitches for future reference
  • Time consuming

  • Education entertainment
  • Broader Consumer market
  • Impressive Online connection

  • Congestion in the Market
  • Imitation from other competitors



Alternatives / Options for solving the problem

More similar to most organizations, The Dragon’s Den is not immune from seeking some of the best solutions to some of the problems inhibiting the smooth running of the organization especially the management. For instance, the organization should consider proper information system security while making expansion into online. Adding more information security will give the organization a added advantage against the rival firms. Besides, the management should consider distinctive feature to separate the organizational products from the rest. Ultimately, a discussion forum should be developed where all the episode managers can discuss and harmonize how all strategies should be implemented while hosting the pitches. Despite the fact, that massive venture into the online market may affect initial organizational returns due to online subscription; subscription fund is likely to increase the organizational per capita returns by over 50%.

Recommended Action

With a lot of consideration of Dragon’s Den expansion to an Online Market, the organization is faced to meet a number of challenges. In essence, it is not very easy to convince virtual buyers to venture their financial capital by simply engaging in an online discussion. As such, the organization should ensure a proper security mechanism to protect online marketing and transactions from any fraudulent activity. Besides, some people find it difficult to tolerate online financial discussions especially where the seller and the buyer come from different countries. For this reason, the organization must come up with a secure chat portal as it will restore the trust of investors into such discussions (Facebook. 2015). Besides, investors often find it very difficult to place value on the business due to different assumptions. For this reason, the organization should build a network that introduces people to issues of investment and how the society can access funds for business concepts. Ultimately, the organization must also consider due diligence while handling the online transactions with buyers other than fusing the needs for the business.

Implementation plan

In order to institute an effective online platform, the organization should identify what is new in financial platform before introducing the pitch. After that, the management should zero into the details of the duties to be executed by both buyers and while handling financial transactions. Create the theme of contents to be shared, sensitize the customers about the presence of the online platform then test and implement for the actual operation. Full implementation process of online marketing and transaction platform should not be done within the duration less than one year. However, the deployment process should take over as long as the shareholders fill it is convenient.

According to Vidyarthi (2010), the responsibility would rely on with the technological manager through a directive received from the CEO of the organization. However, for full deployment of the resources, the implementation process must be supported by a chain expertise including programmer, system security manager alongside other practitioners whose responsibilities are to exploit The Dragon’s Den technological infrastructure.


The Dragon’s Den is a television show episode hoisted through a television channel in the United Kingdom in selling ideas of investment initiatives. The paper has discussed the organization promotes strategies through public relations. Besides, it has investigated some of the problems that form part of the Dragon’s Den episode challenges towards receiving of returns to the fullest. Ranging from ownership to the organizational objectives, the paper clarifies how The Dragon’s Den intends to improve the organizational brand awareness by 60% in 2015. Ultimately, the paper has discussed how the organization has strategized to introduced web that promotes the institution through facebook and tweeter hence it facilitates the market through a multitude of people and the implementation procedure in case of any challenges.


Davis, E. (2008). Dragons’ den: Success from pitch to profit. London: Collins.

Facebook. N.p., n.d. Web. 23rd Jan 2015. adsmarketing/ index.php?                sk=adcreative

Keen, A. (2009). “LinkedIn: the secret to the online business network’s success.”

Lakki, C. (2010). “Madden NFL 11 Will Feature New Swagger Statistic Sponsored by Old                        Spice.” Retrieved: 23rd Jan 2015< 2010/ 06/ 28/ madden-nfl-11-   will-feature-new-swagger-statistic-sponsored-by-old-spice>

Start your own business: From idea to income. (2010). London: Collins.

Telegraph retrieved. 23rd Jan 2015. < technology/ social-        media/6406274/ LinkedIn-the-secret-to-the-online-business-networks-success.html>.

Vidyarthi, N. (2010). “Report: 56% Of Virtual Goods Buyers Are Repeat Customers.” Social                    Times Retrieved: 23rd Jan 2015< 2010/ 02/ 56-of-social-         game-buyers-buy-again-according-to-social-gold/>

