Ethics in business
May 22, 2020
Multi-Racial Children
May 22, 2020




                                    THE NATURE OF MANAGERIAL WORK
















Question 1

  1. Prolonged highly political decision processes is likely when decisions involve important and complex problems for which no ready-made good solutions are available, when many affected parties have conflicting interest and when a diffusion of power exists among the parties? Discuss and provide three words which could help identify effective leadership.


Effective leadership in any organization can be identified by different words depending on the needs and the nature of the organization. One of the words that could help to identify effective leadership is integrity. Integrity in effective leadership matters more than most of other things and it is mostly used in identifying effective leadership as illustrated by Waddock, (2007). Integrity in leadership means that there is honesty, sincerity, firmness of character, uprightness, and good moral character in the leadership. Effective leaders need to have the traits that are connected with honesty.

A leadership that is not effective can be identified by looking at the level of integrity used in the leadership style. Integrity helps to build loyalty, respect, trust and honor among the followers and they are always ready to support and follow the efforts of the leaders. Integrity in leadership determines the goals of the leaders and it also influences the followers who are attracted to the leadership. A leadership full of integrity can be identified as an effective leadership.

A second word that can be used to describe effective leadership is the presence of humility in the leadership. Humility in leadership as described by Collins, (2005), prevents arrogance which is a dangerous word in leadership because it leads to failure and could bring any organization or a group down. A leadership with humility is a powerful tool because it allows the leaders to share and celebrate with the teammates and they build motivation and loyalty. Humility makes the leadership to step back and give the chance of leading to another person if there is the need for the benefit of the organization. This makes it important in identifying effective leadership.

Communication is the third word that helps in identifying effective leadership and most effective leaderships have focused on communication as stated by Leadership focusing on communication in a postmodern context, (2010). A leadership that is able to exchange ideas and information with the followers in a way that it is understood is termed as effective. This is because communication is an important aspect in any leadership system and it involves transmission of any information or idea that was intended. A leadership without good communication process may fail because the followers may be confused and hence it is important in identifying effective leadership.

  1. What is meant by role conflict? How can it be reduced and to what extent is it inevitable?

Role conflict is a social conflict that is caused by the roles when a person is expected to perform different roles within an organization or outside the organization. The leadership or the management in the organization can have a role conflict where they are expected to perform the management roles like being a supervisor and at the same time being a co worker. The managers are mostly involved in role conflict because they are required to do different roles which change depending on time as illustrated by Yuki, (2009). They also are required by the organization to fulfill their role expectations and at the same time they get demand from other people resulting to role conflict.

Role conflicts can be limited and reduced by having good communication that is which reduces the tension of role conflict. Job description should be clearly stated for the leadership and each person and priorities should be set. The responsibilities and the expectation should be clearly laid down and each person will know what to do at what time and role conflict will have been reduced.

In large organization role conflict is inevitable because the managers have a wide set of responsibilities. Complex social groups require members to have many responsibilities and in such places role conflict is inevitable because the responsibilities are distinct and they all require concentration.









Collins, J. (2005). Level 5 Leadership: The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve. (Cover story). Harvard Business Review, Vol. 83, Iss. (7/8), pp. 136-146.

Leadership Focusing On Communication in a Postmodern Context. (2010). Journal of the Academy of Business & Economics, Vol. 10, Iss. (3), pp. 112-122.

Waddock, S. (2007). Leadership Integrity in a Fractured Knowledge World. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 6(4), 543-557.

Yuki, G, A., (2009), Leadership in organization, 7the Edition, pp. 76-102