The national competency standards for the registered nurse (NCSRN)

October 3, 2020
October 3, 2020

The national competency standards for the registered nurse (NCSRN)

The national competency standards for the registered nurse (NCSRN) contains the fundamental standards that are used in the assessment of the registered nurses in Australia. NCSRN provide a framework that Australian registered nurses utilize in the measurement of their operations. NCSRN, the nursing code of ethics, and the professional conduct of nurses are related in several ways. Three documents tend to aid each other in guiding the conduct of nurses. Nurses should understand the application of various competencies and sub-competencies to help in the provision of evidence-based care. The paper will discuss the NCSRN functions, its relationship to the nursing code of ethics and professional conduct and also discuss the significance of one sub competency.

The Purpose and Function of the National Competency Standard for the Registered Nurse

The national competency standards for the registered nurse (NCSRN) are the key competency standards by which the performance of the registered nurse is evaluated (Nursing & Council, 2005). The evaluation helps to get and retain the registration of the registered nurse in Australia. These core standards provide the RN with the structure for measuring their competence. They are utilized by the National Board to measure the competence as part of the yearly renewal of registration(Nursing & Council, 2005). To evaluate nurses learned abroad looking for a job in Australia. They are also used in the evaluation of RNs, who are resuming back to work after leave and those included in the professional conduct matters. The National Board also utilizes the competency standards in communicating to the consumers about the requirements that they can anticipate from the nurses.

Universities apply these standards in the development of the nursing curriculum and to evaluate the performance of the students and fresh graduate (Nursing & Council, 2005).Nurses are encouraged to utilize these standards in their provision of nursing care to the patients. They are made aware that these standards are developed using the best potential evidence. These standards also encompass principles of evaluation that assist nurses to comprehend how the standards are applied in the assessment of the performance (Chiarella, Thoms, Lau & McInnes, 2008). The National Board makes sure that the standards are written in a clear and simplest language that every nurse can understand easily.

The Relationship between the National Competency Standard for the Registered Nurse and the Code of Ethics and the Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia

The National Competency Standard for the Registered Nurse (NCSRN), Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Nurses, are related in many ways (Nursing & Council, 2005). All the three documents were developed to for the nursing profession in Australia. The nursing code of conduct and the professional conduct for nurses are relevant at all levels and areas of practice comprising those including research, education, management, and clinical domains ways. The NCSRN is mostly to the relevant to the registered nurses because other levels of nurses have their NCSRN such as certificate and degree holder nurses (Nursing & Council, 2005).The three documents ensure that nurses have a guide at all levels of their practice that help in improving the quality of care delivered to the patient.

The three documents are developed to cater for many audiences (Nursing & Council, 2008). These audiences include nurses; students’ nurses; people in needing or getting nursing care; the general community; nurses’ employees; nursing regulating bodies and agencies protecting consumers.The three documents highlight the commitment of the nursing profession in respecting, promoting, protecting and upholding the vital rights of the people (Nursing & Council, 2008).Hence they all emphasize in the provision of holistic care to the patients. The code of ethics is reinforced and should be read in combination with the professional conduct for Australian nurses and the NCSRN. The three documents, therefore, reinforce each other in ensuring appropriate nursing conduct that leads to the provision of quality care to the patients.

The three documents in conjunction with other available standards of practice provide a structure for responsible and accountable nursing practice (Nursing & Council, 2008). Nursing code of ethics and professional conduct are in line with the International Council of Nurses (ICN). The codes of ethics and professional conduct should be read with other ethical standards and guidelines formed by state and territory professional nursing organizations (Nursing & Council, 2008).The three documents set the minimum standards for practice a professional nurse is anticipated to uphold both within and outside the fields of the profession. The presence of minimum standards for practice helps in creating a good image of the nursing profession.

The purpose of the three documents reveals a lot of relationship among them. The NCSRN are the major standards by which the performance of nurses is evaluated to get and retain their registration as the registered nurses in Australia (Nursing & Council, 2005).If a nurse goes against the stipulated code of ethics and professional conduct, his or her registration can be canceled. All the three documents highlight the essential standards and values to which the profession of nursing is committed. They act as guideline for effective decision-making and practice. They demonstrate to the community the human rights standards and ethical values that it can anticipate nurses to uphold (Council, 2003). The purpose of the three documents is almost similar apart from a few differences. This demonstrates that the three documents have a strong relationship.

The competencies in the NCSRN are very similar to the code of ethics and professional conduct(Chiarella, Thoms, Lau & McInnes, 2008). The professional practice, which relates to the ethical, legal and professional responsibilities cut across the three documents. They all emphasize that nurses should use critical thinking and analysis of situations they encounter in the course of discharging their duties. All of them insist that nurses should provide and coordinate care to ensure that patients receive quality care (Council, 2003). The three documents also emphasize the significance of collaboration in the provision of effective nursing care to the patients. It is very clear that the three documents are related to each other in many ways.

The Significance of the Selected Competency or subsection

The selected sub competency is the use of relevant evidence-based assessment framework in the collection of data about the physical and psycho-social of the individual (Nursing & Council, 2005).It helps the health care provider in approaching and organizing assessment in a structured manner that ensure that all essential steps are not jumped during the assessment process. It helps the nurse to utilize all the available evidence sources and his experience and knowledge in the assessment process. The wide range of information ensures that all the relevant data is collected which help in the accurate diagnoses of the patient. It helps the health care worker to collect data that is linked to physiological, psychological, spiritual, socio-economic and cultural variables (Nursing & Council, 2005). The data collected certify that whole of the patient is considered which help in pointing out the root of the disease.

The sub competency also assists healthcare practitioners in understanding the importance of research and evidence-based care (Chiarella, Thoms, Lau & McInnes, 2008). Research and evidence-based care eliminate trial and error in the care of the patient that consequently leads to the quick recovery of the patient. It also helps the health care worker to confirm data with other members of the health care team (Nursing & Council, 2005). This competency also supports the nurses to use appropriate assessment tools and strategies in the collection of data. The data collected using effective tools ensure increases accuracy which consequently leading to improved care. It also ensures that practice is sensitive and supportive of cultural issues (Nursing & Council, 2005). Incorporation of culture in the assessment process help in increasing the accuracy of data collected which aid in effective planning of the care. This sub competency ensures there is the provision of quality care to the patient.

How you believe you can Best Meet Your Selected Competency or Sub Competency

There are many ways in which a health care provider can meet the above-selected sub competency.The nurse needs to approach and organize assessment in a structured way (Chiarella, Thoms, Lau& McInnes, 2008). The assessment structure helps in ensuring that the nurse does not skip any essential step in the assessment process.The nurse should utilize all available resources and his or her knowledge and experience in the assessment process. This process ensures that nurse collect comprehensive data that help in the accurate diagnoses of the patient condition (Chiarella, Thoms, Lau & McInnes, 2008). The nurse should also collect data that relate to physiological, psychological, spiritual, socio-economic and cultural variables. The data considering all these variables address all the needs of the patient.

The nurse should understand the importance of the research and evidence-based care while doing the assessment of the patient. Evidence and research-based care improve the quality that is provided to the patient. The data should collaborate with other health care providers (Chiarella, Thoms, Lau & McInnes, 2008). Collaboration facilitates teamwork, which ensures the accuracy of the assessment process. The nurse should also use appropriate assessment tools and strategies to help in the collection of data. Data collected using appropriate tools and strategy is accurate, and it helps in the effective diagnoses and implementation of the right interventions. Lastly, the nurse should ensure that she frames questions in a way that the patient can understand and also ensure that the process is sensitive and supportive of cultural values (Nursing & Council, 2005). In addition, including culture in the assessment process increases the accuracy of data given due to increase in the patient trust. This sub competency plays a significant role in the provision of quality care to the patient.


The NCSRN outlines the competency standards that are used in the evaluation of the performance of the registered nurses in Australia. This evaluation serves an important function of acquiring and retaining the registration of the registered nurses. NCSRN, nursing code of ethics, and the professional conduct of nurses are related in many ways. The three documents support and reinforce each other in regulating and controlling the conduct of the nurses within and outside the health environment. The use of relevant evidence-based assessment framework in the collection of data about the physical socio-cultural and mental health of the individual is a significant sub competency. It ensures that the assessment process is conducted effectively, which improves the quality of the care rendered to the patients.

