How hormonal birth control pills contribute to ovarian cancer
October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020

The Most Amazing Machine

The part that I found most amazing and interesting in the video lecture “The Most Amazing Machine”, is the coordination part. I find it interesting how the small cells of the brain, as a command center, coordinates the activities that the other parts of the body perform. I was amazed by the explanation of coordination by a taxi driver, when one has to look forward, behind, coordinate the steering wheel, and also use the legs for braking and such. I imagined of a pilot who uses simple buttons and does not forget which button is for what purpose. I was even amazed more when I thought of how the brain commands the peripheral body organs through the spinal cord. This was interesting to me because my grandmother had an injury to the spinal cord at the age of 60, and she had her lower part of the body paralyzed the rest of her life. From then, life was a struggle for her.

Response to Nancy Recino’s post:

Nancy I found your post about the limbic system, and the imagination about reptiles having a limbic system interesting. I tend to think that if the reptiles had the limbic system, they would socialize more amongst themselves.

Response to Hei Lam Kwan’s post:


INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications. N. d. The most amazing machine: Neuroscience and behavior. Retrieved from

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