Le Morte d’Arthur
March 15, 2020
Website management
March 16, 2020

The Media and Public Health

Select a national print media. Visit the Internet Web site of the national print media selected. Use the search features to identify articles on public health for a recent month. Catalog the health problems (both conditions and risks) from that search and compare this with the listing of health problems and issues on Tables 2-2, 2-4, and 2-5 of your textbook. Are the types of conditions and risks you encountered in the print media similar to those on Tables 2-2, 2-4 and 2-5? Were some conditions and risks either overrepresented or underrepresented in the media, in comparison with their relative importance as suggested by Table 2-2, 2-4, and 2-5? What are the implications for the role of the media in informing and educating the public regarding public health issues? Answer these questions in a three page paper. Cite your sources.

Required Text

Turnock, B. J. (2007). Essentials of public health. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett. ISBN: 13:978-0-7637-4525-7