Measures that the Stour Center company is putting in place in order to attract a large number of new customers
September 14, 2020
September 14, 2020

The life of Jesus

The life of Christ begun when Mary, who was married to Joseph, gave birth to a son who he named Jesus, conceived of the Holy Spirit. The ministry of John, the Baptist was devoted to preparing the way for Jesus, and he preached of the prediction that had been made by the prophet Isaiah. During this time, the Pharisees had secluded themselves for other nations and believed certain things that to them was an action for holiness. As John continued with his preaching to the people of Jerusalem, Jordan, and Judea, his actions did not go well with the Pharisees. The Pharisees believed holiness was to be observed through actions such as fasting, players and giving tithe that would show compassionate for mankind and God.


John the Baptist understood his mission but many saw him as impolite and physically powerful. He was also as a person who spoke with passion about the person who inspired him as his message was aimed at the heart to heart without any discrimination. In his preaching, he talked about the coming of the Messiah and asked the people to observe righteousness and holiness as preparation for Messiah. As he continued his preaching, he as well baptized people including the Jordanians who all received his message. One day as John the Baptist continued with preaching at river Jordan, he saw the Messiah emerge from the crowd, and he recognized him as the Messiah. . Through this, the Pharisees and Sadducees also approached John the Baptist to be baptized but he knew about their hypocrisy and addressed them as brood of vipers.