The Life of Andy Warhol and His Contribution to Pop Art The phrase pop-art was invented by Lawrence Alloway, who happened to be a British curator in 1955. It was used to describe a new form of popular art, which was a movement that was emerging by that time. This was just like a movement that was characterized by the imagery of consumerism along with popular culture. The pop culture emerged in both New York as well as London in the mid 1950s, as an effect, it became the dominant avant-garde style till 1960s. It was characterized by simple and bold everyday imagery, along with vibrant block colors. It was much interesting looking at and had a modern feel of ‘hip’. The scheme of bright color on the other hand also enabled such form of avant-garde art, to reiterate certain components in the contemporary culture, and was much helpful in narrowing the divide between the commercial arts and fine arts.