Delinquency Theories and the Scientific Method
October 13, 2020
Studies in workplace bullying
October 13, 2020

The iRobot case

 The iRobot case is located in the Exam Information folder of Doc Sharing.

· Use only the information provided in the case (in other words, do not research current company information, as it is not pertinent to this case)

· Be sure to provide support for each answer given (in other words, there isn”t necessarily a right or wrong answer, but I am looking for a well-supported answer based on the information provided in the case)


1. Provide a SWOT Analysis. Be sure to provide support for each item mentioned (no more than items 3 per box).

2. Provide an analysis of Porter”s 5 forces (including the 6th).

3. Calculate the following Financial Ratios for 2010:

o Current Ratio

o Gross Profit Margin

4. What is iRobot”s business level strategy in the consumer vacuum cleaner market?

5. Does iRobot have any core competencies?

6. Does iRobot have a distinctive competency?

7. Does iRobot have a sustainable strategy?

8. How can iRobot change its marketing strategy to grow the robotic vacuum cleaner market?

9. Should iRobot be concerned with new competitors with deep pockets in the robotic vacuum cleaner market?

10.In the long run, would iRobot be better served to exit the home consumer products market and concentrate on military and industrial robots where profit margins are better?