Order Description
Hi, I’m an MA student, majoring in American Literature and the course I’m taking is Seminar on American Culture and American Literature: Individual and Society. The primary texts of this class are;
1. Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter (1850, Norton Critical Ed., 2005)
2. Herman Melville, Billy Budd, Sailor (1924, Oxford World Classic 1998)
3. Kate Chopin, The Awakening (1899, Norton Critical Ed., 1994)
4. Henry James, Daisy Miller and Other Stories (1878, Oxford World Classic 2009)
5. William Faulkner, Light in August (1932, Vintage, 1985)
We’ve read these 5 books one by one during the course and discussed author’s life and background and synopsis of the books, and analyzed main characters and structures in class. As you can see from the course name, the professor mainly focused on the theme, the individual and the society’ during the semester. As a final project, the professor has students choose one novel among 5 texts and discuss the subject, the individual and the society’, with an academically acceptable format(MLA) for citing and bibliography. This final project is 40 points! (out of 100) and students have to hand in a full-length final paper (about 10 pages) by Dec, 12.
novel, William Faulkner’s Light in August because Faulkner is one of my favorite American writers and I feel this novel represents Faulkner’s unique style very well.