The impacts of recent economic crisis on stock price of banking industry in China

Reflective Learning Journal
March 16, 2020
MAT101 Case 2 Answer Template Custom Essay
March 16, 2020

The impacts of recent economic crisis on stock price of banking industry in China

Introduction: introduce your topic and outline (briefly) the existing debate in the literature. Offer a motivation on why your topic is interesting and explain how you will address the question,

Outline the structure of the dissertation.
Literature review: revise the main contributions existing in the literature of your topic. Provide a reader with a smooth and well-structured section. After reading it, the reader should have a

clear picture of existing results in the literature.
Theoretical framework: set out the relevant economics/finance theory. Supporting your topic, and state the hypotheses that you may want to test.
Data: describe your dataset and provide the relevant descriptive statistics of your variables, also identifying their statistical characteristics. You also should use graphs to summarize the main

features of the date.
Empirical Framework: discuss the empirical model that you may want to use and explain and justify the estimation method.
Results: present and interpret the results from your estimation and hypotheses testing, Comment on whether the empirical evidence is consistent with the underlying theory. Report results

from robustness checks.
Conclusions: give an outline of your research work, explain what we have learned from it, and discuss policy implication.
Reference: this section is extremely important. Every piece of information used in your dissertation must be included: books, articles, and consulted web pages as well.
Appendices: these may include technical details.