The Impact of GCC Economic Integration on the Saudi Economy.

July 28, 2020
American History
July 28, 2020

The Impact of GCC Economic Integration on the Saudi Economy.

The Impact of GCC Economic Integration on the Saudi Economy.

The Impact of GCC Economic Integration on the Saudi Economy.

The topic must be in International Economics (Normative Economics) and the case study must be Saudi Arabian Economy (Positive Economics).

Simple Tips for Simple Research:

(i) Well defined problem: Research problem must be identified clearly. That is, what is the economic problem that you work on?

(ii) Problem Questions or Research Questions. Economic Problem can be researched, studied, or analyzed easily if you reformulate it in questions that you will answer them throughout the research stages.

(iii)Research Importance.

(iv) Research Objectives.

(v) Research Methodology could be statistical analysis, logical interpretation, graphical representation, comparisons, modeling, etc.

(vi) Research Paper Organization:

? Cover page includes the University name, college, course name and code, group members’ names, and date.

? Table of contents

? Acknowledgement (if any).

? Abstract.

? Introduction includes research problem, research questions, research importance, research objectives, research methodology, and data issues.

? Literature Review

? Chapterisation (the core body of the research paper) includes criticism, historical background of the problem, analysis and discussion, conclusions, and recommendations:

(Chapter 01:..Chapter 02:and so on.)

? References.

? Appendices.

Useful online resources:

7 References including the two mentioned below